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GATE 2022 : Algorithm Quiz-1
Attempt now to get your rank among 594 students!
Question 1
Which statement defines an Algorithm?
Question 2
What is Analysis of Algorithm?
Question 3Multiple Correct Options
Which of the following is/are strategy of Algorithm. [MSQ]
Question 4
Complete the following program to find the maximum of given array.
Maximum(A, n)
Max = A[0];
for (i = 1 to n −1)
if (1)
then {2}
return Max;
Choose the correct expression for 1 and 2
Question 5
For how many of these problems we can design Algorithm.
- Searching an element
- Sorting n numbers
- Finding maximum and minimum elements from a given list
- Single source shortest path
- Sum of n numbers
Question 6
How many of these is/are not features of an Algorithm.
- Security
- Scalability
- Maintainability
- Complex designing
- Reliability
- Modularity
- 594 attempts
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GATE & PSU CSAlgorithmsSep 26GATE & PSU CS