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Fluid Mechanics Golden PYQ Quiz 3
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Question 1
The SI unit of kinematic viscosity (n) is
Question 2
A channel of width 450 mm branches into two sub-channels having width 300 mm and 200 mm as shown in figure. If the volumetric flow rate (taking unit depth) of an incompressible flow through the main channel is 0.9 m3/s and the velocity in the sub-channel of width 200 mm is 3 m/s, the velocity in the sub-channel of width 300 mm is ____ m/s.
Assume both inlet and outlet to be at the same elevation.
Assume both inlet and outlet to be at the same elevation.
Question 3
Air (ρ = 1.2 kg/m3 and kinematic viscosity v = 2 × 10-5m2/s) with a velocity of 2 m/s flows over the top surface of a flat plate of length 2.5 m. If the average value of friction coefficient is
, the total drag force (in N) per unit width of the plate is_______

Question 4
Water (p = 1000 kg/m3) flows through a venturimeter with inlet diameter 80 mm and throat diameter 40 mm. The inlet and throat gauge pressures are measured to be 400 kPa and 130 kPa respectively. Assuming the venturimeter to be horizontal and neglecting friction, the inlet velocity (in m/s) is
Question 5
A two-dimensional incompressible frictionless flow field is given by
If ρ is the density of the fluid, the expression for pressure gradient vector at any point in the flow field is given as

Question 6
Water (density 1000 kg/m3) flows through an inclined pipe of uniform diameter. The velocity, pressure and elevation at section A are VA = 3.2 m/s, pA = 186 kPa and zA = 24.5 m, respectively, and those at section B are VB = 3.2 m/s, pB = 260 kPa and zB = 9.1 m, respectively. If acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2 then the head lost due to friction is ________ m (round off to one decimal place).
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