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ESE Prelims 2022 Achievers Quiz 26

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Question 1

If two bodies one light and other heavy have equal kinetic energies, which one has a greater momentum

Question 2

PERT has following time estimate

Question 3

The general equation of continuity for three-dimensional flow of an incompressible fluid for steady flow is (where u, v, w are components of velocity in x, y and z directions respectively)

Question 4

Purpose of using differential gear in automobile is to _______.

Question 5

The bearing characteristic number in a hydrodynamic bearing depends on ________.

Question 6

A body which is at 400K emits radiation of wavelength 7.24 μm. If the body is heated from a source for 15 minutes & the temperature of the body reaches to 927°C. What will be the wavelength of the radiation emitted by the body __________.

Question 7

If 2 bar of air at 27 °C is heated to 177 °C at constant volume, the pressure will be

Question 8

A nozzle of 50 mm diameter delivers a stream of water at 20 m/s perpendicular to a plate moving away from the jet at 5 m/s. The work done by the jet (in W) is ____________.

Question 9

Following gases are used in tungsten inert gas welding

Question 10

The process in which the material removal rate is governed by Faraday law is:
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