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ESE EC : Measurements & Instrumentation - National Champion Test

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Question 1

For controlling the vibration of the disc of an AC energy meter, damping torque is produced by

Question 2

Which one of the following is the best method of measurement of temperature of hot bodies radiating energy in visible spectrum?

Question 3

The true rms responding voltmeter senses

Question 4

Match List-i with List-ii and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
A- Chromel-Alumel
B- Iron-Constantan
C- Platinum-Rhodium
D- Copper-Constantan
1. Long life and low thermal conductivity
2. Inexpensive and mechanically strong
3. Low sensitivity and high stability
4. Suitable for measurement below 0 and high reliability

Question 5

The null balance potentiometric measurement of voltage technique is not capable of measuring

Question 6

For displaying high frequency signal cathode ray tube should have

Question 7

The different torques acting on a coil of a moving coil instrument are

Question 8

Which one of the following is correct? The generated emf of a tachogenerator is

Question 9

Which of the following meters cannot measure a.c. quantities?

Question 10

To increase the range of a voltmeter

Question 11

The best use of a resistance thermometer is in which range?

Question 12

In eddy current damping system, the disc employed should be of

Question 13

A current of 2.0 A passes through a cell of emf 1.5 V having internal resistance of 0.15 Ω. The potential difference across the terminals of the cell is

Question 14

Electrical positional system telemetering uses for transmission of signal in

Question 15

How can the resolution of a wire-wound potentiometer be improved?

Question 16

An ideal voltage source and an ideal voltmeter have internal impedances respectively

Question 17

Moving-coil permanent magnet instruments can be used for the measurement of

Question 18

The sine wave output of a function generator is fed to both the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) inputs of a CRO, what will be the pattern on the cathode ray screen?

Question 19

A circle is found on the screen of a CRO when 2 time varying signals of same frequency and same magnitude are applied to X and Y plates of the CRO. What is the relative phase difference?

Question 20

When system noise is large and signal power is low in a telemetry system, what is the preferred form of modulation?
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