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ESE 2021 Technical Quiz || Full Revision Mock Test-1
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Question 1
The gain margin and the phase margin of a feedback system with

Question 2
The discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) of
is equal to

Question 3
Which of the following instrument have linear scale
Question 4
In N silicon semiconductor, hole density decreases from 1014 cm-3 - 1013 cm-3 from x = 0 and x =
mm. What will be the hole diffusion current density if

Question 5
A steel bar magnet has a magnetic moment of 2.5 A-m2 and a mass of
kg. If the density of steel is
kg/m3, the intensity of magnetization is

Question 6
Which one of the following is one byte instruction?
Question 7
How many 32K × 1 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 256 K bytes?
Question 8
Poynting vector
has the unit

Question 9
Consider the z-transform X(z) = 5z2 + 4z-1 + 3; 0<|z| < ∞ . The inverse z-transform x[n] is
Question 10
For a random variable x having the PDF shown in the figure given below
the mean and the variance are, respectively
the mean and the variance are, respectively
Question 11
A parallel plate waveguide is to be designed so that only TEM modes can propagate in the frequency range 0 < f < 2 GHz. The dielectric material between the plates has ϵr = 9, μr = 1. The spacing ‘d’ allowed between the parallel plates of waveguide is
Question 12
TCP protects itself from miss delivery by IP with the help of-
Question 13
The function of the following circuit, if the input is a sine wave, is that it
Question 14
Statement (1): For causality of an LTI system

Statement (2): For stability in the S-plane, ROC must include imaginary axis.
Question 15
A message consisting of 2400 bits is to be passed over an internet. The message is passed to the transport layer which appends a 150-bit header, followed by the network layer which uses a 120-bit header. Network layer packets are transmitted via two networks, each of which uses a 26-bit header. The destination network only accepts up to 900 bits long. The number of bits, including headers delivered to the destination network, is
Question 16
TCP is preferred over UDP because it provides
1) Fastest communication
2) Connection oriented service
3) Reliable service
Which of the statement is correct?
Question 17
The covariance matrix of three random variables x1, x2 and x3 is
A linear transformation y = Ax is made where
The obtained covariance matrix of y is
If μ11 = 2 then value of is______
Question 18
digit voltmeter has an accuracy specification of ± 0.5% of reading ± one digit. What is the possible error in volts when the instrument displays 2.00V on the 10 V scale?

Question 19
The cells are connected in two rows in parallel to pass a current of 6A through an external resistance 0.7 Ω. If the electromotive force of each cell is 2.1 volts and internal resistance 0.5Ω, the minimum number of cells will be
Question 20
Which of the following instructions can be used to complement the higher significant nibble of the accumulator in an 8085 microprocessor?
- 76 attempts
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