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Question 1

The ratio between peak hourly water demand and maximum daily demand (m3/hr) is

Question 2

Which of the following method is used to forecast the population of old and very large city?

Question 3

If the average daily water consumption of a city is 1000 cum the peak hourly demand will be:

Question 4

For which of the following, distribution mains is designed?

Question 5

Pick up the correct statement in case of water supply.
A) Pipes laid in trenches and pipes fixed to walls are measured separately
B) Cutting through walls and floors are included with the item
C) Pipes are classified according to their sizes and quality
D) In laying pipes, the method of jointing and fixing is specifically specified

Question 6

On peak hourly demand, what is the maximum daily consumption for the city which have average daily consumption of 100,000 m3 ?

Question 7

As per Indian Standard Specifications, the peak discharge for domestic purposes per capita per minute, is taken

Question 8

The populations of a town as per census records were 200000, 210000 and 230000 for the years 1981, 1991 and 2001 respectively. The population of the town as per incremental increase method in the year 2009 is

Question 9

Which of the following is the lowest water requiring industry per unit of production?

Question 10

The population of a city in first three continuous years is given as 6000, 8000 and 10000 respectively. What is the population of the city in the fourth continuous year, according to the geometric increase method?
  • 141 attempts
Jul 21AE & JE Exams