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English Grammar Quiz : 2.05.2024

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Question 1

Choose the correct declarative sentence:

Question 2

In the given sentences which one is the complex sentence

Question 3

Change the following sentence into passive voice:

He is writing the book.

Question 4

Convert the speech of the given sentence:

The mother said that her daughter went to school daily.

Question 5

Change the speech of the sentence:

He said, “I am not feeling sick now.”

Question 6

Convert the speech of the given sentence:

Ram said “We love our country.”

Question 7

Read the sentence carefully and choose the part which has error:

He tried to open the lock by a wrong key.

Question 8

Read the sentence carefully and choose the part which has error:

Amphibians are those organisms that can live both in water and land.

Question 9

Direction: Fill in the blank with the most suitable option.

In a little publicized deal, Pepsi has _______ the entire soft drink market in Afghanistan.

Question 10

Directions: Choose the option that completes the sentence most meaningfully and appropriately.
__________ animals like turtles and dugongs have died in its waste-choked waters, and autopsies have found that plastic in the stomach lining contributed to their deaths.
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