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Electrical Material: Electrical-JE Quiz 41
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Question 1
Direction: Each of the question consist of two statements, one labeled as the ‘Statement (I)’ and the other as ‘Statement (II)’. Examine these two statements carefully and select the answer to these items using the codes given below:
Statement (I): A superconductor is a perfect diamagnetic material.
Statement (II): A superconductor is a perfect conductor.
Statement (II): A superconductor is a perfect conductor.
Question 2
Match elements with their correct crystal structure?

Question 3
Limiting ratio is 1 for:
i. ccp structure
ii. hcp structure
iii. bcc structure
iv. fcp structure
i. ccp structure
ii. hcp structure
iii. bcc structure
iv. fcp structure
Question 4
The conductivity of insulating materials (a very small value) is called as
Question 5
In metals, resistivity is composed of two parts: one part is characteristic of the particular substance. The other part is due to
Question 6
Which one of the following is the correct statement?
Superconducting metal in super-conducting state has relative permeability of
Superconducting metal in super-conducting state has relative permeability of
Question 7
As temperature falls below the transition temperature, the value of critical magnetic field of a superconductor
Question 8
Superconductivity is a material property associated with
Question 9
The hardness of nanomaterial increases linearly with:
Question 10
The property of materials by which they can be drawn into thin sheets is:
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