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Question 1

The transfer function of the circuit shown below is

Question 2

In the circuit shown below β = 75. Calculate Q point (ICQ, VCEQ) is ___?

Question 3

Consider two signal x[n] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and h[n] = {1}.

The convolution y[n] = x[n] * h[n] is

Question 4

A super heterodyne receiver operates in the frequency range of 58 MHz - 68 MHz. The intermediate frequency fIF and local oscillator frequency fLO are chosen such that. It is required that the image frequencies fall outside the 58 MHz - 68 MHz band. The minimum required fIF(in MHz) is

Question 5

A series RL circuit is excited at t = 0 by closing a switch as shown in the figure. Assuming zero initial conditions, the value of  at t = 0+ is

Question 6

The input X to the Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC) shown in the figure is '1' with probability 0.8. The cross-over probability is 1/7. If the received bit Y= 0, the conditional probability that '1' was transmitted is ______.
Description: D:\GradeStack Courses\GATE Tests (Sent by Ravi)\GATE EC 10-Mar\GATE-ECE-2015-Paper-1_files\image274.jpg

Question 7

A trapezoidal display of modulated signal is shown in below figure.
Description: Description: 08_Analog-Comm_BL-done_files\image007.png
Where Description: Description: 08_Analog-Comm_BL-done_files\image008.png. The percentage modulation can be

Question 8

In the voltage regulator circuit shown in the figure, the op-amp is ideal. The BJT has and and the zener voltage is 4.7 V. For a regulated output of 9 V, the value of R (in Ω) is _________.

Question 9

The figure below shows the doping distribution in a p-type semiconductor in log scale.

The magnitude of the electric field (in kV/cm) in the semiconductor due to non uniform doping is

Question 10

Suppose that binary PSK is used for transmitting information over an AWGN with power spectral density of W/Hz. The transmitted signal energy is

Where Tb is the bit interval A is signal amplitude. The bit error probability of the system is 10-6. If the data rate is 10 kbps, then the required signal amplitude is.......{Assume Q(4.74) = 10-6 }

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