Human Diseases
Causative Agent | Disease |
Bacteria | Diphtheria, Gonorrhoea, Meningitis, Cholera, Leprosy, Typhoid, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Plague, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia |
Virus | Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Measle, Mumps, AIDS, Yellow fever, Influenza, Dengue fever, Rabies, Polio-meritis phelebotomus |
Protozoans | Malaria, Sleeping sickness, Kala-azar, Leishmaniasis, Amoebic dysentery |
Fungus | Athlete's foot, Ringworms, Madura foot, Dhobi's itch |
Helminths | Filaria, Tapeworm and Hookworm transmission |
Let's see a question on diseases now:
Q. Which of the following is a fungal disease?
- Dermatitis
- Cholera
- Jaundice
- Indigofera
Answer: A
Solution: Dermatitis is a fungal disease, a group of disease that results in inflammation of the skin. It is also known as eczema. Itchiness, red skin and rashes are the character of these diseases.
A dermatitis is a group of skin conditions that includes atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, and stasis dermatitis.
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