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Discrete Time Convolution - 1 Starter Quiz

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Question 1

Determine the convolution of signal x[n] = {1 2 3 4} and h[n] = {2, 1 1 3}.

Question 2

Two discrete time signals x1(n) and x2(n) are convoluted, then the energy of convoluted signal is _______. Where x1(n) = {1, 2, 3} and x2(n) = {–1, 2, 2}.

Question 3

Let x(n) = u (n — 1) and h (n) = — 2u (n + 5), y (n) = x(n) h(n) then find the y (3) = _____?

Question 4

Find the systems response to the input x[n] = δ[n-3]| if the unit impulse response h[n] of a DT LTI system is h[n] = ?

Question 5

Find the system response to the input x[n]= u[n] if the unit impulse response h[n] of a DT LTI system is h[n] = use convolution?

Question 6

Compute the system’s response to the input x[n] = | if the unit impulse response h[n] of a DT LTI system is h[n]= δ[n-1]?

Question 7

Find the systems response to the input x[n] = u[n]| if the unit impulse response h[n] of a DT LTI system is h[n] = ?
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