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Digital Communication: Nuclear Quiz 3
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Question 1
A discrete source generates 8 symbols with equal probability. The entropy is:
Question 2
The constellation diagram of a modem has eight states as shown in figure given below. The bit rate of this modem is:
Question 3
A discrete memory-less source has six symbols with probabilities
, PD = PE = 1/20, PF = 1/40, then the amount of information contained in the message ABA BBA is ?

Question 4
Following constellation diagram represents?
Question 5
A binary source in which 1s occurs 3 times as after as 0s. Then the average information in bits/symbol will be?
Question 6
A communication system operates in an AWGN channel and employs BPSK modulation. If
(Eb signal energy per bit, N0 = noise power spectral density) and given that erf (2) = 0.99532, the average BER is?

Question 7
In QPSK, the phase reversal occurs at
Question 8
Source 1 generates two symbols with probabilities 0.1, 0.9 (say entropy is H1) source 2 generates two symbols with probabilities 0.3, 0.7 (say entropy is H2) source 3 generates two symbols with probabilities 0.5, 0.5 (say entropy H3) which of the following sequence is correct.
Question 9
Assertion (A): FSK signaling is inferior to PSK signaling.
Reason (R): PSK requires less band-width than FSK.
Reason (R): PSK requires less band-width than FSK.
Question 10
Which of the following statements are correct?
1) The amount of information contained in an event is closely related to its uncertainty.
2) Message containing knowledge of high probability of occurrence convey relatively high information.
3) Message containing knowledge of high probability of occurrence convey relatively little information.
- 206 attempts