DFCCIL EE Power Electronics Quiz - 1
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Question 1
1. Fully controlled switch.
2. High ON state voltage drop.
3. High di/dt capability.
4. Low turn ON and turn off gains.
Question 2
1. MOSFET is used for high frequency operation.
2. BJT is used for low to medium frequency operation.
3. MOSFET is a current controlled device.
4. Parallel operation of BJT is not advisable.
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
1. Reverse recovery time of last recovery diode is less than Schottky diode.
2. Fast recovery diodes can be made up to higher voltage rating than Schottky diode.
Question 6
1. Reverse recovery time of Schottky diodes is of the order of nanoseconds.
2. Gold or platinum is doped in the layers of fast recovery diodes of fast recovery diodes.
3. Fast recovery diodes operator faster than Schottky diodes.
Which of the above statements are correct?
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