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Design Of Concrete Structures: Nuclear Quiz 2

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Question 1

A doubly reinforced beam is considered less economical than a singly reinforced beam because

Question 2

A doubly reinforced beam is used when:

Question 3

A doubly reinforced beam having the following parameter. The strain in compression reinforcement is ________.
Given: , clear cover=25mm, dia of bar used = 20mm, maximum permissible strain in concrete is 0.0035

Question 4

What will be the effective width of flange for a multiple L-beam having l0 = 4m, actual flange width = 2 m, width of web = 500 mm and depth of flange = 150 mm.

Question 5

Find the effective width of flange for an isolated T-beam having l0 = 3.5 m, depth of flange = 200 mm, width of rib = 450 mm and actual flange width = 1.6 m

Question 6

In a flanged section, when the flange portion is containing both rectangular and parabolic portions of stress diagram, then IS 456: 2000 recommends to use yf instead of Df.

Where yf = A . (xu) + B (Df)

What will be the value of sum of A and B. where A and B are two constants.

Question 7Multiple Correct Options

Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect?

Question 8

A cantilever beam if span 6000 mm of cross section 200 x d mm. Calculate the value of the effective depth of the beam (d) which makes the beam safe for deflection and lateral stability?

Question 9

Assertion A: For determining uniaxial compressive strength of concrete, cube is a better test specimen as compared to cylinder.
Reason R: Stress distribution is more uniform over the cross-section of a cylinder as compared to cube.
Select your answer based on the coding system given below

Question 10

Match the following:

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