To preserve a clean and healthy environment for the country, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked all employees to plant at least five trees on their workplace premises or wherever possible. As a result, Prahlad Singh Patel, Minister of State for Culture and Tourism (Independent Charge), chose to hold the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation from 28th June to 12th July 2020.
These five trees are Bargad, Awla, Pepal, Ashok and Bel. All of these are medicinal plants, and these plants grow into strong trees and will make India lush green. The Union Minister went on to say that the institutions must also make sure that the employees look after the plants they planted throughout the year so that they survive and thrive.
Significance of Sankalp Parva
The Sankalp Parva has great significance. The festival was launched during the pandemic to divert the people's attention toward the beautiful nature from the deadly virus. When the pandemic was busy taking lives and creating havoc among people, there was nature that was healing. Therefore, to intensify the healing effect of nature within the country's boundaries, the initiative of Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation was taken by the Government.
The Government recommended several plants. People also got invested in growing those plants by planting them in soil. This initiative led to a much greener and healthier India.
Other Initiatives of Plantation Of Trees
Apart from the Sankalp Parva, the Government of India has taken several other initiatives to ensure that people plant trees regularly. Some of these initiatives are:
- The Government has announced the launch of the Nagar Van (Urban Forest) Scheme, intending to create 200 Urban Forests around the country in the next five years
- In 2016, the Compensatory Afforestation Fund (CAF) Act was created to administer money collected for compensatory afforestation, which was previously controlled by the Ad hoc Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA)
- The Jajpur District Administration of Orissa has now implemented a mandatory tree plantation cause for availing a few necessary licences like the purchase of new vehicles, licence for minor materials, society registration, etc.
- The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB - Ministry of AYUSH) plans to create a variety of herbal gardens to raise awareness of the benefits of generally available and commonly used medicinal plants among the country's citizens and the related stakeholders
- The Union Home Minister, Amit Shah, started the Ministry of Coal's Tree Plantation Campaign, "Vriksharopan Abhiyan," in July 2020. The tree-planting initiative occurred in over 130 places across 38 districts in ten coal- and lignite-producing states. Six eco-parks/tourism areas were also established
The Sankalp Parva was one of its kind initiatives taken by the Government of India to promote planting trees and make our country a healthy one. The festival has a great significance as it celebrated the earth's healing when the human intervention was relatively low. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism managed the entire Sankalp Parva.
FAQs on Sankalp Parva
Q.1. When is the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation celebrated?
The Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation is celebrated from 28th June to 12th June.
Q.2. As per the Government recommendation, which trees are to be planted under the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation?
Bargad, Awla, Pepal, Ashok and Bel are the five trees that have to be planted under the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation.
Q.3. Which ministry is looking after the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation?
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism looks after the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation.
Q.4. Which minister conceptualised the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation?
Prahlad Singh conceptualised the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation.
Q.5. Which hashtag became popular during the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation?
#SankalpParva became popular during the Sankalp Parva Tree Plantation.