International Youth Day is annually celebrated on August 12. The United Nations (UN) declared this day to spread awareness and consciousness about engaging and encouraging the participation of upcoming generations.
The First International Youth Day was celebrated in 1999 after the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution accepting the recommendations of the World Ministers' Meeting on Youth in Lisbon.
History of World Youth Day
In 1965, the UN General Assembly began working on a declaration promoting the ideals of peace, mutual respect, and international understanding among young people. On December 17, 1999, the UN General Assembly approved the World Ministers' Meeting on Youth recommendations, and the International Youth Convention was established.
Since then, August 12 has been celebrated as International Youth Day and has been used to educate society, mobilize political youth, and manage resources to address global issues.
International Youth Day 2023 - Significance
This day is dedicated to young people's role in addressing global issues and making a difference in achieving sustainable development.
- International Youth Day also recognizes the contributions of the youth working to bring about positive change around the world as catalysts for peace and prosperity in the community and on the world stage.
- Today's young generation is the largest in history, with over 3 billion young people under 30.
- As half of the world's population, the healthy generation of young people has unparalleled potential to help improve our society.
Relevance of International Youth Day
This day focuses on the difficulties experienced by some young people around the world. Half of the children between 6 and 13 lack basic literacy and computing skills, and child poverty remains a pervasive problem worldwide.
- The United Nations created International Youth Day, also known as World Youth Day, to raise awareness of these issues as we strive to find solutions.
- It's a day of reflection, but it's also a day of action.
Themes of International Youth Day
The International Youth Convention emphasizes youth rights to education, medical care, employment, cash benefits, and full access to full participation in public life. Given below are the themes of International Youth Day from 2016 to 2019. The International Youth Day 2022 Theme will be focused on creating a better world for our future generation.
- 2016: 'Youth Leading Sustainability.'
- 2017: 'Youth Building Peace.'
- 2018: 'Safe Spaces for Youth.'
- 2019: 'Transforming Education.'
- 2020: 'Youth Engagement for Global Action.'
- 2021: 'Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health.'
International Youth Day 2021 Theme
The phrase "Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health." corresponds to the International Youth Day 2021 Theme.
- It was selected by United Nations at ECOSOC Youth Forum (EYF) 2021.
- The UN celebrated the day virtually, due to the coronavirus pandemic, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the world body and the major group for children and youth.
- The International Youth Day provided young people a platform to continue the momentum from the EYF in the lead-up to the high-level Food Systems Summit.
International Youth Day Speech
International Youth Day comes every year on August 12, giving opportunities to youngsters' actions, voices, and initiatives. Here you will look at some International Youth Day Speech, International Youth Day Theme 2021, etc.
- "The duty of the youth is to change corruption." - Aristotle.
- "Dream, Dream, Dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action." - APJ Abdul Kalam.
- "My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers!" - Swami Vivekananda.
- "You are young only once, it is enough if you work it right." - Joe Lewis.
- "A few heart-whole, sincere, and energetic men and women can do more in a year than a mob in a century." - Swami Vivekananda
- "Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached." - Swami Vivekananda
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How is International Youth Day Celebrated?
World Youth Day includes cultural events, workshops, conferences, concerts, seminars, and meetings with national and local government officials and youth organizations worldwide. The theme and slogan of International Youth Day transform each year, covering various issues that affect young people today.
FAQs about International Youth Day
Q1. Who formed International Youth Day?
The UN General Assembly started International Youth Day in 1999. A resolution declaring 12 August as International Youth Day was adopted by the first session of the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth. The Government of Portugal hosted it in cooperation with the United Nations.
Q2. What is the purpose of International Youth Day?
The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of potential problems young people around the world are facing and to celebrate their achievements. The day aims to provide youth with a platform for education, innovation, engagement, and entrepreneurial solutions.
Q3. What is the international youth day 2021 theme?
The principal theme of International Youth Day 2021 was "Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health". The theme motivated the participation of youth globally to achieve success in life.
Q4. When was International Youth Day celebrated for the first time?
The General Assembly sanctioned the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth (Lisbon, 8-12 August 1998) that 12 August be declared International Youth Day.
Q5. Why do we celebrate International Youth Day?
The International Youth Day recognizes visionary youth-led solutions for attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. International Youth Day also acknowledges the youth's contributions to bringing about positive change worldwide.
Q6. What is the International Youth Day 2022 Theme?
International Youth Day 2022 will focus on building a better world for all children. The theme will help in creating a world for all ages. It is necessary to influence all generations with full potential to achieve the Goals of Sustainable Development.