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CSIR NET Weekend Booster Quiz 2024 | Life Science | 7 April

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Question 1

Pink salmon (Onchorhynchus gorbuscha) in the Pacific Northwest have been decreasing in size in recent years. In 1945, fishermen started being paid by the pound, rather than per individual, for the salmon they caught, and they increased the use of gill netting, which selectively takes larger fish. The selectivity of gill netting can be shown by comparing the average size of salmon taken by gill netting with those taken by an unselective fishing technique: the difference ranged from 0.14-0.22 kg. Therefore, after gill netting was introduced, smaller salmon had a higher chance of survival. The selection favoring small size in the salmon population was intense, because fishing effort is highly efficient a about 75-80% of the adult salmon swimming up the rivers under investigation were caught in these years. The average weight of salmon duly decreased, by about one-third, in the next 25 years. This is an example in favour of:

Question 2

Which of the following is a herbivore?

Question 3

Over expression of myc is usually associated with human cancers. Which assay is more sensitive to quantitate expression of myc at RNA level in tumor cells vs. normal cells?

Question 4

Match the hormones in Group I with their metabolic precursor in Group II

Group I
 P. 17-estradiol
 Q. Thromboxane A2
 R. Epinephrine
 S. Retinoic acid

Group II
 1. Arachidonic acid
 2. Tyrosine
 3. β-carotene
 4. Cholesterol

Question 5Multiple Correct Options

Polyribosome are seen in-

Question 6

Which of the following statements about trans fatty acids is false

Question 7

Ribosome are attached to endoplasmic reticulum through glycoprotein known as Ribophorin I & II. The Subunit of ribosome which get attached to ER is-

Question 8

Cluster analysis in DNA microarray experiments refers to:

Question 9

Increasing estradiol (E2) hormone from ovarian follicles prior to ovulation has been hypothesized to play a critical role for induction of pheromones. These pheromones render females sexually receptive to males to facilitate mating. An investigator performs experiments in sheep in which females are gonadectomized, then treated with E2 or vehicle alone and allowed to breed.
Which one of the findings listed below will validate the hypothesis that pheromones are induced by E2?

Question 10

During an all-out sprint, muscles metabolize glucose anaerobically producing a high concentration of lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the blood and of the cytosol and contributes to the fatigue sprinters experience well before their fuel reserves are exhausted. The main blood buffer against pH changes is the bicarbonate/CO2 system.
To improve their performance, what would you advise sprinters?
  • 11 attempts