CSIR NET Weekend Booster Quiz 2024 | Life Science | 21 April
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Question 1
Which of the following set of conditions will qualify a species to be considered as endangered (EN) as per IUCN criteria?
Question 2
An antibody binds to another protein with an equilibrium constant, K of 5 x 109 M -1.When it binds to a second, related protein, it forms three fewer hydrogen bonds, reducing its binding affinity by 2.8 kcal/mole. What is the K for its binding to the second protein?( Free-energy change is related to the equilibrium constant by the equation ΔG0 = -2.3 RT log K, where R is 1.98 x 10-3 kcal /(mole K ) and T is 310 K
Question 3
Which of the following is INCORRECT in regard to the mobility of lipid molecules in a lipid by bilayer?
Question 4
Which of the following is true of cladogenesis?
Question 5
Transgenic mouse can be produced by the transfection of ES cells derived from ICM of blastocyst. In an experiment the transgene is injected into the male pronucleus just after the fertilization. The surviving eggs were implanted into a host mouse, the pups obtained were not completely transgenic. What could be the possible reason .
Question 6
Identification of cells containing vector molecule requires presence of suitable marker on the vector molecule. Following antibiotic selectable marker ‘X’ was used in gene cloning experiment .Function of ‘X’ is it as an irreversible inhibitor of the enzyme transpeptidase, which is needed by bacteria to make the cell wall. Identify X?
Question 7
MALDI-TOF is a type of spectrometry. Following are some of the statements made regarding MALDI-TOF. Which of them is/are incorrect?
A) MALDI-TOF is used for analysing protein-protein interactions
B) Lyophilised samples aren’t suitable for MALDI-TOF
C) MALDI-TOF is greatly useful in identifying microorganisms like bacteria and fungi.
D) Samples are coated onto a matrix in MALDI-TOF
Question 8
While performing an experiment, a research scholar instead of suspending an isolated animal cell in water, suspended it into another solvent with chemical formula as CHCl3. Which among the following is expected to be observed by the research scholar?
Question 9
Hay is boiled in water and cooled. Some pond water, containing only heterotrophic protozoa, is added to it and kept in the dark for a long time.
Which of the following are TRUE?
I. Heterotrophic succession of protozoa will occur with an increase in total biomass.
II. The energy of the system is maximum at the beginning.
III. Succession will occur, eventually reaching a steady state in which energy flow is maintained.
IV. The ecosystem may undergo succession but ultimately all organisms will die or go to resting stages.
Question 10
Lipid rafts are stable, thicker, and ordered microdomains found in lipid bilayer of plasma membrane. Which of the following characteristics can be associated with lipid rafts?