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CSIR NET 2024 | Weekend Booster Quiz | Chemical Science (7 April 2024)

Attempt now to get your rank among 38 students!

Question 1

During the electrolysis, charge generated at Cathode is:

Question 2

Write the IUPAC name of the compound given below:

Question 3

If the unit of the rate constant of a reaction is L4 mol-4s-1, the order of the reaction is

Question 4

Which of the following has highest pkb?

Question 5

What will be the no. of lines and their intensity ratio for CD3 radical?

Question 6

Consider the ions Eu(III), Gd(III), Sm(III) and Lu(III). The observed and calculated magnetic moment values are the closest for the pair:

Question 7

The percentage electron distribution on H atoms in benzene radical is

(Given: A= 0.38 mT, R=0.05 T):

Question 8

Amongst the following, the compound which has the lowest energy barrier for the cis-trans isomerisation is:

Question 9

For a sequential reaction:

When t = 0, the conc. of A was 0.1 . Calculate the conc. of A after t = 100 sec.

Given: k1 = 2 x 10­-2 s‑1, k2 = 4 x 10­4s‑1

Question 10

Arrange the given below alkenes in increasing order of their stability.






  • 38 attempts