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CSIR NET 2024 | Weekend Booster Quiz | Chemical Science (24 March 2024)
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Question 1
Lithium borohydride, LiBH4, crystalizes in an orthorhombic system with 4 molecules per unit cell. The unit cell dimensions are: a = 6.81 A0, b= 4.43A0 and c= 7.17A0. Calculate the density of the crystal. Take atomic mass of Li = 7, B = 11 and H = 1 a.m.u.
Question 2
The major product formed in the following reaction is:
Question 3
Equal number of molecules with M1 = 10,000, M2 = 100000 are mixed. What is the value of

Question 4
Find the reactant A in the following reaction:
Question 5
The complex with spin-only magnetic moment of 2.82BM is:
Question 6
Determine type of cluster of compound [Os6C(CO)17].
Question 7
The set of ions expected to show orbital contribution in their complexes is
Question 8
The major product formed in the following reaction is?
Question 9
A 5 g/L polymer solution is prepared with a polymer whose molar mass is 25 kg. The osmotic pressure (in atm) of this solution at 25ºC is
(Consider RT ≈ 2500 J mol-1)
Question 10
The major product formed in the following reaction is:
- 33 attempts