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CSIR NET 2024 | Life Science: Fundamental Processes | 24 April

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Question 1

Which class of proteins facilitates coiling of interphase chromosomes?

Question 2

The human α-tropomyosin gene is alternatively spliced to produce several forms of α-tropomyosin mRNA in various cell types (Figure).
For all forms of the mRNA, the encoded protein sequence is the same for exons 1 and 10. Exons 2 and 3 are alternative exons used in different mRNAs, as are exons 7 and 8
Consider the following statements:
A) Exons 2 and 3 must have the same number of nucleotides.
B) Exons 2 and 3 must each contain an integral number of codons (that is, the number of nucleotides divided by 3 must be an integer).
C) Exons 2 and 3 must each contain a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3 leaves the same remainder (that is, 0, 1, or 2).

Which of the following statements about exons 2 and 3 is the most accurate?

Question 3

A gene 'Z' has two promoters. One promoter (PI) is used when the cell is stimulated by a particular steroid hormone, while the second promoter (PII) is used when the steroid hormone is absent. The single mRNA from transcription using PII is much shorter than that of the single mRNA transcript generated when PI is used.
Which of the following out come is possible?

Question 4

In which of the following conversion is ATP synthesized by substrate level phosphorylation?

Question 5

Under a given renaturing condition E. coli DNA reassociates with a Cot ½ of 4.0 and an unknown DNA sample with a Cot ½ of 283. The complexity of this unknown DNA will be
  • 46 attempts