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CSIR NET 2024 | Life Science: Cellular Organization | 20 April
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Question 1
Lipid rafts are stable, thicker, and ordered microdomains found in lipid bilayer of plasma membrane. Which of the following characteristics can be associated with lipid rafts?
i) Contains raftophilic proteins
ii) Detergent-resistant
iii) Cholesterol-and phosphatidylcholine-enriched membrane microdomains
iv) Acts as assembly of the T-cell signaling machinery
Question 2
Membrane lipids are asymmetrically distributed between the two leaflets of the bilayer. Phosphatidylserine is one of the classes of plasma membrane lipid which is majorly accumulated in the cytosolic leaflet. Which of the following processes is not observed during the movement of phosphatidylserine from cytosolic leaflet to extracellular non-cytosolic leaflet?
P. Platelets are able to play a role in blood coagulation.
Q. Initiation of apoptotic process in the cell.
R. It targets the cell for engulfment by macrophages.
S. Acts as a susceptibility signal for phagocytosis.
Question 3
While performing an experiment, a research scholar instead of suspending an isolated animal cell in water, suspended it into another solvent with chemical formula as CHCl3. Which among the following is expected to be observed by the research scholar?
Question 4
The rapid lateral movement of membrane lipids can be visualized by the means of
Question 5
Which of the following is INCORRECT in regard to the mobility of lipid molecules in a lipid by bilayer?
- 40 attempts