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Complete Surveying Marathon Quiz

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Question 1

The type of surveying in which the curvature of the earth is taken into account is called

Question 2

The method of computing areas by subdividing a plot into triangles is suitable for

Question 3

Curvature correction to a staff reading in a differential leveling survey is

Question 4

Reciprocal levelling was done between two points A and B, the readings of which are as shown below, which are 700 mm apart.

If the atmospheric conditions do not change during the period of observation and R.L. of A is 126.49 m, then the R.L. of B is _______ m.

Question 5

The following readings have been taken from a page of an old level book. The R.L of first station, when R.L of last station is 123.85 m, is ___________ decimeter.

Question 6

The following observation were taken with a tacheometer at the station A to a staff at B held normal to the line of sight. If staff readings are 2m, 3m, & 4m and the angle of inclination is 23 ̊30. Determine horizontal distance between A and B. also what is the RL of B if RL of A is 200m. Take K=100, C =0.6 & H.I.=1.46m

Question 7

An instrument was set up at a point 200 m away from a transmission tower. The angle of elevation to the top of the tower was 33 °40' whereas the angle of depression to the bottom was 4 °10'. The total height of the transmission tower is _______ m.

Question 8

In order to neutralize the curvature effect and refraction effect, the type of levelling adopted is__________

Question 9

Which one of the following statements are true?

i. Terrestrial photography gives mostly oblique photographs

ii. Aerial photography always gives perfectly vertical photographs

Question 10

For a vertically held staff, if the angle of elevation is 300 and horizontal distance between observer and staff station is 100 m. staff intercept will be-
(take multiplying constant = 100 & additive constant = 30)

Question 11

Two straight lines intersect such that deflection angle of 60 °. The radius of a curve joining the two straight lines is 600m. The length of long chord and mid-ordinates in metres of the curve are

Question 12

If the sensitivity of the bubble tube of a level is 30" of arc per division, then the distance of a point at which the combined curvature and refraction corrections become numerically equal to the error induced by dislevelment of one division of the level tube (in m) is

Question 13

The magnetic bearing of a line AB is S 45 ° E and the declination is 5 ° west. The true bearing of the line AB is

Question 14

The magnetic bearing of a line AB was N 59 ° 30’W in the year 1967, when the declination was 4 ° 10’ E. If the present declination is 3 ° W, the magnetic bearing in terms of WCB of the line is

Question 15

A leveling is carried out to establish the Reduced Levels (RL) of point R with respect to the Bench Mark (BM) at P. The staff readings taken are given below:

Description: D:\GradeStack Courses\GATE Tests (Sent by Ravi)\Civil-Engineering-2014_files\image323.jpg
If RL of P is + 100.000m, then RL (in m) of R is

Question 16

In a survey work, three independent angle, X, Y and Z were observed with weight WX, WY, Wz respectively. The weight of the sum of angles X, Y and Z is given by:

Question 17

A bench mark has been established at the soffit of an ornamental arch at the known elevation of 100.0 m above mean sea level. The back sight used to establish height of instrument is an inverted staff reading of 2.105 m. A forward sight reading with normally held staff of 1.105 m is taken on a recently constructed plinth. The elevation of the plinth is

Question 18

The horizontal distance between two stations P and Q is 100 m. The vertical angles from P and Q to the top of a vertical tower at T are 3 ° and 5 ° above horizontal, respectively. The vertical angles from P and Q to the base of the tower are 0.1 ° and 0.5 ° below horizontal, respectively. Stations P, Q and the tower are in the same vertical plane with P and Q being on the same side of T. Neglecting earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction, the height (in m) of the tower is

Question 19

From a topographic map, the areas enclosed by contour lines for a proposed dam are given below.

The volume of impounded water, using trapezoidal formula, is ______ ha.m.

Question 20

A derived quantity's' is given by
s = (4.86)2
The maximum error in 's' is

Question 21

The areas within the contour lines at the site of reservoir are as follow:

Take 201 as bottom level of reservoir and 205 as top level, the difference in capacity of reservoir calculated according to trapezoidal and prismoidal method is ________ m3.

Question 22

Group I lists tool/instrument while Group II lists the method of surveying. Match the tool/instrument with the corresponding method of surveying.

P. Alidade
Q. Arrow
R. Bubble tube
S. Stadia hair
1. Chain surveying
2. Levelling
3. Plain table surveying
4. Theodilite surveying

Question 23

Following bearings are observed while traversing with a compass.
Description: D:\GradeStack Courses\GATE Tests (Sent by Ravi)\Civil-Engineering-2013_files\image154.png
After applying the correction due to local attraction, the corrected fore bearing of line BC will be:

Question 24

The plan of a map was photo copied to a reduced size such that a line originally 100mm, measures 90mm. The original scale of the plan was 1:1000. The revised scale is

Question 25

A box sextant has the main scale readings in 10' graduations. If the least count desired for an extended vernier is 10", then 'M' spaces of the main scale should be equal to 'N' spaces of the vernier scale. The value of M and N are respectively.
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