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Complete RCC Marathon Quiz
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Question 1
The minimum reinforcement in slabs should not be less than — % of the total cross-sectional area when HYSD bars are used in the either direction,
Question 2
Let the characteristic strength be defined as that value, below which not more than 50% of the results are expected to fall. Assuming a standard deviation of 4 MPa, the target mean strength (in MPa) to be considered in the mix design of a M25 concrete would be
Question 3
As per IS code 456 minimum p(H) of water used for cement mix?
Question 4
The flexural strength for M 35 grade of concrete (σ = 5)
Question 5
The minimum lap length required for the steel reinforcement in direct tension is x times the bar diameter. The value of x is
Question 6
A concrete beam of width 260 mm and effective depth 400 mm is subjected to a shear force of 85 kN. If the design shear strength of concrete is 0.56 N/mm2, the stirrup should be designed to resist___ kN shear force.
Question 7
For avoiding the limit state of collapse, the safety of R.C. structures is checked for appropriate combinations of dead load (DL), imposed load or live load (IL), wind load (WL) and earthquake load (EL). Which of the following load combinations is NOT considered ?
Question 8
Assertion A: For determining uniaxial compressive strength of concrete, cube is a better test specimen as compared to cylinder.
Reason R: Stress distribution is more uniform over the cross-section of a cylinder as compared to cube.
Select your answer based on the coding system given below
Reason R: Stress distribution is more uniform over the cross-section of a cylinder as compared to cube.
Select your answer based on the coding system given below
Question 9
Match the following:
Question 10
If the core diameter of a circular RCC column is 510 mm and diameter of steel bar forming the helix is 20 mm then the maximum pitch (in mm) of the helical reinforcement will be
Question 11
A rectangular column section of 250mm x 400mm is reinforced with five steel bars of grade Fe 500, each of 20mm diameters. Concrete mix is M30. Axial load on the column section with minimum eccentricity as per IS: 456-2000 using limit state method can be applied upto
Question 12
A : p(H) of water should not be less than 6 for R.C. C work:
R. Water P(H) less than 6 is very acidic.
Question 13
In a pre-stressed concrete beam section shown in the figure, the net loss is 10% and the final pre-stressing force applied at X is 750 kN. The initial fiber stresses (in N/mm2) at the bottom of the beam were:

Question 14
2 legged 10 mm diameter vertical stirrups are provided at a spacing of 250 mm centre to create in a rectangular beam of width = 250 mm, effective width = 400 mm. If design shear strength of concrete is 0.7 MPa, total shear capacity of the section is ________kN.
[Take Fe415 grade steel]
[Take Fe415 grade steel]
Question 15
A concrete beam prestressed with a parabolic tendon is shown in the sketch. The eccentricity of the tendon is measured from the centroid of the cross–section. The applied prestressing force at service is 1620 kN. The uniformly distributed load of 45 kN/m includes the self–weight.
The stress (in N/mm2) in the bottom fibre at mid–span is

The stress (in N/mm2) in the bottom fibre at mid–span is
Question 16
A reinforced concrete column contains longitudinal steel equal to 1 percent of net cross–sectional area of the column. Assume modular ratio as 10. The loads carried (using the elastic theory) by the longitudinal steel and the net area of concrete, are Ps and Ps respectively. The ratio of Ps/Pc expressed as percent is
Question 17
A concrete column carries on axial load of 450 kN and a bending moment of 60 kN m at its base. An isolated footing of size 2 m by 3m, with 3m side along the plane of the bending moment, is provided under the column. Centres of gravity of column and footing coincide. The net maximum and the minimum pressures in kN/m2 on soil under the footing are respectively.
Question 18
A column of 3 m unsupported length is effectively held in position at both ends and restrained against rotation at one end. Its diameter is restricted to 30 cm. The column is having helical reinforcement. Use M25 concrete, Fe415 steel and area of steel = 2400 mm2. The axial load that the column can carry is ________ kN.
Question 19
A beam is built using M25 concrete and Fe-250 bars of 16 mm dia bars. In limit state design, the development length, Ld, in terms of diameter of reinforcement, for compression zone is _______ mm.
[ τbd = 1.4 N/mm2]
[ τbd = 1.4 N/mm2]
Question 20
A square column section of size 350 mm × 350 mm is reinforced with four bars of 25 mm diameter and four bars of 16 mm diameter. Then the transverse tie reinforcement would be
Question 21
In LSM instead of 0.002 strain in parabolic stress section, it is assumed that new strain for parabolic stress section be 0.0025 and overall strain be same as 0.0035 and other factors to be remain same. Calculate the value of new compressive force.
Question 22
A post tensioned concrete beam 200mm wide and 450mm deep is prestressed by a circular cable with zero and 150 mm eccentricity at ends and center respectively. The span of beam is 10 m. The cable is to be stressed from one end with initial stress of 840 N/mm2 is available at unjacked end immediately after anchoring. Calculate percentage loss due to friction. Take friction coefficient as 0.6 and for wave effect as 0.003 per m.
Question 23
A simply supported rectangular concrete beam of span 8m has to be prestressed with a force of 16001(N. The tendon is of parabolic profile having zero eccentricity at the supports. The beam has to carry an external uniformly distributed load of intensity 30 l(N/m. Neglecting the self-weight of the beam, the maximum dip (in meters, up to two decimal places) of the tendon at the mid-span to balance the external load should be
Question 24
A RC beam of rectangular cross section of breath 250 mm and effective depth 450 mm is subjected to a service shear force of 80 kN. For the area of main reinforcement provided, the design shear strength τc as per IS 456: 2000 is 0.48 MPa. The most effective spacing (in mm) of 2-legged 8 mm vertical stirrups to be provided is
[Take M20 grade concrete and Fe250 grade steel]
[Take M20 grade concrete and Fe250 grade steel]
Question 25
An isolated simply supported T-beam, constructed using M20 concrete and Fe250 steel, having effective span of 9 m and cross-sectional dimensions as shown in the figure is subjected to a working moment of 270 kNm. If neutral axis lies in the web, then the depth of neutral axis is _______ mm.
[The beam is designed using WSM]
[The beam is designed using WSM]

- 163 attempts