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Complete Hydrology & Irrigation Marathon Quiz
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Question 1
A conventional flow duration curve is a plot between
Question 2
An annual flood series contains 100 years of flood data. For a return period of 200 years the Gumbel's reduced variate can be taken as ________
Question 3
A flood wave with a known inflow hydrograph is routed through a large reservoir. The outflow hydrograph will have
Question 4
The equilibrium discharge (in cumecs) of the S-curve derived from a 4-h unit hydrograph for this catchment, having an area of 360 km2, is
Question 5
If a rainstorm of 8 cm gives the runoff of 4 cm in a catchment whose
-index is fixed and for whole period of 3 hrs of rainfall. If the infiltration is considered invariable then what would be the runoff (in cm) for 10 cm of rainfall in the same catchment in 4.5 hours?

Question 6
Rising limb of a hydrograph
Question 7
Calculate the discharge (m3/day) through an infiltration gallery placed at a depth of 4m below ground water table, subjected to the condition that the drawdown in the well does not exceed 2.18 m. Take the length of the gallery 56.75 m and radius of influence to be 100m. The hydraulic conductivity can be assumed as 75 m/day.
Question 8
What will be the sodium absorption ratio of a soil for which
[Na+] = 250 mg/l , [Ca2+] = 45 mg/l , [Mg2+ ] = 18 mg/l
Question 9
Calculate the depth of core watering if the kor period if of 5 weeks and the area of land irrigated by 0.2 cumec of discharge is 352 hectares.
Question 10
A concrete dam having width 14m and height 17.45m is constructed on a river to store water. If the compressive strength and the specific gravity of concrete is 2896 kN/m2 and 2.24 respectively, then what will be the critical height of the dam? Also classify the dam based on its height.
Question 11
Match the following
Group 1
P. Release valve
Q. Check valve
R. Gate valve
S. Pitot valve
Group 2
(1). Reduce high inlet pressure to lower outlet pressure
(2). Limit the flow of water to single direction
(3). Remove air from the pipeline
(4). Stopping the flow of water in the pipeline
Group 1
P. Release valve
Q. Check valve
R. Gate valve
S. Pitot valve
Group 2
(1). Reduce high inlet pressure to lower outlet pressure
(2). Limit the flow of water to single direction
(3). Remove air from the pipeline
(4). Stopping the flow of water in the pipeline
Question 12
A sandy loam soil has a water holding capacity of 140 mm/m between field capacity and wilting point. The area to be irrigated is 60 ha and depth of effective root zone is 0.30 m. The management allowed soil moisture depletion as 40% and the consumptive use is 6 mm/day. The conveyance and application efficiency are obtained to be 80% and 50% respectively. There are no leaching requirements as well as no rainfall and ground water contributions to the crop water requirement. The frequency of irrigation (in days) and the field irrigation requirement (in m3) will be
Question 13
A launching apron is to be designed at downstream of a weir for discharge intensity of 6.5 m3/s/m. For the design of launching aprons the scour depth is taken two times of Lacey scour depth. The silt factor of the bed material is unity. If the tail water depth is 4.4m, the length of launching apron in the launched position is___ m.
Question 14
In a cultivated area, the soil has porosity of 45% and field capacity of 38%. For a particular crop, the root zone depth is 1.0 m, the permanent wilting point is 10% and the consumptive use is 15 mm/d. If the irrigation efficiency is 60%, what should be the frequency of irrigation such that the moisture content does not fall below 50% of the maximum available moisture ?
Question 15
Group I contains three broad classes of irrigation supply canal outlets. Group II presents hydraulic performance attributes.
The correct match of the items in Group I with the items in Group II is

The correct match of the items in Group I with the items in Group II is
Question 16
A weir on a permeable foundation with downstream sheet pile of the depth 8 m. The height of weir is 10 m, the height of water is 8.6 m and length of floor is 10 m. The exit gradient as per Khosla's method is
Question 17
Match the following :
P Rainfall intensity
Q Rainfall excess
R Rainfall averaging
S Mass curve
1. Isohyets
2. Cumulative rainfall
3. Hyetograph
4. Direct runoff hydrograph
Codes :
P Rainfall intensity
Q Rainfall excess
R Rainfall averaging
S Mass curve
1. Isohyets
2. Cumulative rainfall
3. Hyetograph
4. Direct runoff hydrograph
Codes :
Question 18
A triangular irrigation canal carries a discharge of 25m3/s at bed slope = 1/6000. If the side slopes of the canal are 1:1 and Manning's coefficient is 0.018, the central depth of flow is equal to

Question 19
A canal irrigates a portion of a culturable command area to grow sugarcane and wheat. The average discharges required to grow sugarcane and wheat are, respectively, 0.36 and .27 cumes. The time factor is 0.9. the required design capacity of the canel is
Question 20
A lined irrigation canal with trapezoidal cross section with curved corners has 5 m bed width, 2.5 m depth and 1.5(H): 1(V) side slope, longitudinal bed slope of the canal is 1 in 1000 and Manning's n = 0.016. If the crop has 150 mm field irrigation requirement in a KOR period of 10 days, then area of land the canal can irrigate is _______ km2.
Question 21
A catchment is idealized as a 25 km x 25 km square. It has five rain gauges, one at each corner and one at the center, as shown in the figure.
During a month, the precipitation at these gauges is measured as G1 = 300 mm, G2 = 285 mm, G3 = 272mm, G4 = 290mmand G5 =288mm. The average precipitation (in mm, up to one decimal place) over the catchment during this month by using the Thiessen polygon method is ______

During a month, the precipitation at these gauges is measured as G1 = 300 mm, G2 = 285 mm, G3 = 272mm, G4 = 290mmand G5 =288mm. The average precipitation (in mm, up to one decimal place) over the catchment during this month by using the Thiessen polygon method is ______
Question 22
The peak discharge of a 4-hr unit hydrograph, triangular in shape, for a basin of 108 km2, is 20 cumecs. The time base (in hrs)of this hydrograph is
Question 23
The reduced level (R.L.) of the water surface in a lake having 3000 ha surface area is 105.700 m. The new R.L. (in m) of the water surface level after one week using the following data will be
I. Weekly precipitation over a catchment area of 6000 ha = 120 mm
II. Runoff coefficient = 0.36
III. Outflow from lake = 4 m3/sec
IV. Weekly evaporation from lake = 5.0 cm
[Assume that there is no contribution to or from the ground water storage]
I. Weekly precipitation over a catchment area of 6000 ha = 120 mm
II. Runoff coefficient = 0.36
III. Outflow from lake = 4 m3/sec
IV. Weekly evaporation from lake = 5.0 cm
[Assume that there is no contribution to or from the ground water storage]
Question 24
The analysis of maximum daily rainfall on a city indicated that a depth of 280 mm has a return period 50 years. The probability of a one day rainfall depth equal to or greater than 280 mm in the city occurring two times in 15 successive years is
Question 25
While designing a hydraulic structure, the piezomeric head at bottom of the floor is computed as 10m. The datum is 3m below floor bottom. The assured standing water depth above the floor is 2m. The specific gravity of the floor material is 2.5. The floor thickness should be
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