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Complete Highway Engineering Marathon Quiz
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Question 1
The capacities of “One–way 1.5 m wide sidewalk (persons per hour)” and “One–way 2–lane urban road (PCU per hour, with no frontage access, no standing vehicles and very little cross traffic)” are respectively
Question 2
The free mean speed of a roadway is 60 kmph. Under the stopped condition, the average spacing between vehicles is 8m. The maximum capacity of flow is _______veh/hr.
Question 3
The theoretical and measured unit weight of mix is a Marshall specimen prepared for bituminous concrete with a bitumen content of 6 per cent by weight of total mix are 2.4 g/cm3 and 2.2 g/cm3 respectively. The specific gravity of bitumen is 1.05.The present voids in a mineral aggregate filled with bitumen (VFB) are ______ (upto one decimal place)
Question 4
If a random variable has a Poisson distribution such that P(1) = P(2), find the mean of the distribution.
Question 5
The probability that k number of vehicles arrive (i.e. cross a predefined line) in time t is given as,
, where λ is the average vehicle arrival rate. What is the probability that the time headway is greater than or equal to time t1?

Question 6
While designing a rotary, what is the primary determining factor for the shape of the central island?
Question 7
Which is NOT a step in the Macadam method of road construction?
Question 8
Given the following data: design life
lane distribution factor
annual rate of growth of commercial vehicles
vehicle damage factor
and initial traffic in the year of completion of construction = 3000 Commercial Vehicles Per Day (CVPD). As power IRC : 37-2012, the design traffic in terms of cumulative number of standard axles (in million standard axles, up to two decimal places) is _________

Question 9
Temperature stresses in concrete pavements may cause the slab to crack. If a slab cools uniformly then the crack will develop at the following locations of the slab
Question 10
In the context of flexible pavement design, the ratio of contact pressure to tyre pressure is called the Rigidity Factor. This factor is less than unity when they tyre pressure is
Question 11
An ascending gradient of 1 in 50 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 40. What is the length (in m) of vertical summit curve for a stopping sight distance of 200 m?
[Assume height of eye level of driver above roadway surface = 1.2 m, Height of object above the pavement surface = 0.15 m]
[Assume height of eye level of driver above roadway surface = 1.2 m, Height of object above the pavement surface = 0.15 m]
Question 12
A single lane unidirectional highway has a design speed of 65kmph. The percept ion-brake-react ion time of drivers is 2.5 seconds and the average length of vehicles is 5m. The coefficient of longitudinal friction of the pavement is 0.4. the capacity of this road in terms of vehicles per hour per lane is
Question 13
A horizontal circular curve with a centre line radius of 200 m is provided on a 2–lane, 2–way SH section. The width of the 2–lane road is 7.0 m. Design speed for this section is 80 km per hour. The brake reaction time is 2.4 s, and the coefficients of friction is longitudinal and lateral directions are 0.355 and 0.15, respectively.
The safe stopping sight distance on the section is
Question 14
A horizontal circular curve with a centre line radius of 200 m is provided on a 2–lane, 2–way SH section. The width of the 2–lane road is 7.0 m. Design speed for this section is 80 km per hour. The brake reaction time is 2.4 s, and the coefficients of friction is longitudinal and lateral directions are 0.355 and 0.15, respectively.
The set–back distance from the centre line of the inner lane is
Given R = 200m and Length of the curve = 125m
Given R = 200m and Length of the curve = 125m
Question 15
A traffic survey conducted on a road yields an average daily traffic count of 5000 vehicles. The axle load distribution on the same road is given in the following table
The design period of the road is 15 years, the yearly traffic growth rate is 7.5% and the load safety factor (LSF) is 1.3. If the vehicle damage factor (VDF) is calculated from the above data, the design traffic (in million standard axle load, MSA) is ________. (standard axle load = 8160kg ∼ 8.2 tonnes)

The design period of the road is 15 years, the yearly traffic growth rate is 7.5% and the load safety factor (LSF) is 1.3. If the vehicle damage factor (VDF) is calculated from the above data, the design traffic (in million standard axle load, MSA) is ________. (standard axle load = 8160kg ∼ 8.2 tonnes)
Question 16
The volume of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and bitumen in a bituminous mix is 321.23, 475.43, 132.45 and 100.25 cm3 respectively. If the total volume of mix is 1075 cm3, The percentage voids filled with bitumen is.
Question 17
Which of the following are the methods of collecting origin and destination data?
i. Photographic methods
ii. Roadside interview method
iii. Post card method
iv. Tag on car method
Question 18
The spot speeds (expressed in km/hr) observed at a road section are 66, 62, 45, 79, 32, 51, 56, 60, 53, and 49. The median speed (expressed in km/hr) is ________.
(Note: answer with one decimal accuracy)
(Note: answer with one decimal accuracy)
Question 19
The theoretical and mass density of a bituminous mix are 2.445 and 2.385 respectively. If the percentage of bitumen in the mix is 10.32% calculate the percentage voids in mineral aggregate.
Question 20
The average and saturation flows on cross roads A and B during design period are as follows-
The total lost time for the signal design to be considered as 16 seconds. The green time for road B is _________ seconds.
Question 21Multiple Correct Options
Which of the following options match the test reporting conventions with the given material tests in the table?
Question 22Multiple Correct Options
As per the Indian Roads Congress guidelines (IRC 86: 2018), extra widening depends on which of the following parameters?
Question 23Multiple Correct Options
Which of these factors determine the maximum permissible speed on BG curved railway track. (MSQ)
Question 24
A single lane unidirectional highway has a design speed of 50 km/h. The perception brake reaction time of drivers is 2.5 sec and the average length of vehicles is 5m. The coefficient of longitudinal friction of the pavement is 0.5. thecapacity of this road in terms of vehicle/hr per lane is
Question 25
The flow-density relationship of traffic on a highway is shown in the figure
The correct representation of speed-density relationship of the traffic on this highway is
- 192 attempts