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Complete Engineering Mechanics Marathon quiz

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Question 1

Find the correct statement

1) The term centroid applies to body of mass and weight.

2) Centroid is point in a plane area such that moment of the area about any axis, through the point is zero.

3) Centroid of area is calculated for 3-D structure/bodies

Question 2

A body goes from point A to B on a semicircle of radius 1 m in 1 sec. The average speed & average velocity are

Question 3

Match the following with list I (Type of supports) and List-II (Types of Reactions)


A. Fixed support

B. Hinge support

C. Roller support

D. Free support


(1) 0

(2) 1

(3) 2

(4) 3

Question 4

Identify the correct statements

1) Distance is a scaler quantity

2) Displacement is a vector quantity

3) Speed and velocity are both vector quantity

4) Acceleration is a vector quantity

Question 5

To apply concept of virtual work the body must be in

Question 6

For a linear elastic structural system, minimization of potential energy yields

Question 7

Draw the FBD of the following figure of wt. W

Question 8

A free body diagram is representation of

1) Self Wt. of body

2) Externally applied force

3) Internal force

4) ficitious force

Question 9

Match the following

Question 10

The symmetry of stress tensor at a point in the body under equilibrium is obtained from

Question 11

For A weight of 25 kN is raised by help of pully system. Find value of force P to maintain the equilibrium.

Question 12

lf the maximum and minimum resultant forces of two forces acting on a particle are 60 kN and 20 kN respectively, then the two forces in question would be ____________.

Question 13

Find the resultant force acting on a body.

Question 14

Find the centroid of given figure (from AB)

Question 15

Find Relation between P and Q? (α = 30, β = 60)

Question 16

A ladder is tied with a rope so that ladder will not slip rests on a smooth floor as show in figure. Find the tension in rope?

Question 17

A block of W Newton rest on a smooth surface. To maintain equilibrium a weight of P Newton is applied as shown in Fig. Find the relation between W and P.

Question 18

Find the Tension & efficiency of given mechanics

Question 19

A box of weight 100 kN shown in the figure is to be lifted without swinging. If all forces are coplanar, the magnitude and direction (θ) of the force (F) with respect to x–axis should be

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Question 20

Find the normal reaction at point A . ( Inclined slope at  is at θ angle from base).

Question 21

In order to draw the FBD of the following figure, which of the following is to consider.

Question 22

Find the coordinate of the centroid of square ABCD? (Assume G as origin)

Question 23

A composite area figure means

Question 24

A vehicle moving with uniform acceleration covers 750 m in 10 sec and covers 1000 m in next 10 sec. The acceleration is

Question 25

On a circular curve, the rate of super elevation is e. While negotiating the curve a vehicle comes to a stop. It is seen that the stopped vehicle does not slide inwards (in the radial direction). The coefficient of side friction is f. Which of the following is true :
  • 27 attempts