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CE Quiz : Traffic Studies on Flow, Speed & Volume

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Question 1

The speed and delay studies on a defined section of highway are conducted by

Question 2

The average spacing between vehicles in a traffic stream is 50 m, then the density (in veh/km) of the stream is_______

Question 3

Assertion(A): Parallel parking is the most convenient from the passing traffic point of view.

Reason(R): Parallel parking takes up a smaller part of the roadway.

Question 4

Which of the following statements are true about kerb parking?

i. Angle parking is favorable to the drivers.

ii. 90° angle parking is most favorable to drivers

Question 5

What is the theoretical capacity (in vehicle/hour/lane) of a traffic lane with one way traffic flow at a stream speed of 50 kmph?
[Assume the average space gap between vehicles to follow the relation Sg = 0.278 V.t. where 'V' is the stream speed in kmph, 't' is the average reaction time = 0.7 sec, average length of vehicles = 5.0 m]

Question 6

A linear relationship is observed between speed and density on a certain section of a highway. The free flow speed is observation to be 80 km per hour and the jam density is estimated as 100 vehicles per km length. Based on the above relationship, the maximum flow expected on this section and the speed at the maximum flow will respectively be

Question 7

The shape of the STOP sign according to IRC : 67 – 2001 is:

Question 8

Calculate the lane capacity with signals where the cycle time is 90 seconds, effective green time is 40 seconds, saturation flow on the same phase is 400 veh/km?

Question 9

For the movement of vehicles at an intersection of two roads without any interference, which type of grade separation is generally preferred?

Question 10

Weaving length is the distance:
  • 294 attempts
Apr 3AE & JE Exams