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CE Quiz : Railway Engineering & airport & docks and harbour

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Question 1

For a sleeper density of (n+5), the number of sleeper required for constructing a broad gauge railway track of length 640 m with standard rail length:

Question 2

In a split, the speed of the main line of the BG track is 45 kmph and the equilibrium cant required is 7.78 cm. If the cant deficiency allowed is 7.5 cm, the actual cant to be provided on the branch line will be:

Question 3

If L is the length of a rail and R is the radius of a curve, the versine h for the curve is _____.

Question 4

If  is the angle of crossing, then the number of crossing ‘N’ according to isosceles triangle method is given by

Question 5

Stretcher bar is provided

Question 6

What will be the curve lead for a 1 in 8.5 turnout taking off from a straight broad gauge track?

Question 7

What shall be the radius of an exit taxiway with design exit speed of 90kmph and coefficient of friction 0.13?

Question 8

What does the wind rose diagram for orientation or airport runway give ?

Question 9

The basic runways length should be increased at the rate of X percent per Y m rise in elevation above mean sea level, where

Question 10

The capacity of parallel runway system depends primarily on
  • 20 attempts
Sep 28AE & JE Exams