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CCSIR NET 2024 | Life Science: Inheritance Biology | 22 April

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Question 1

About 1 % individuals in a population suffer from a genetic disorder. The cause was traced to such individuals being homozygous recessive for a single locus with two alleles. The elder of the two children of a family (where both the parents are normal suffers from the disorder, while the younger one is normal.

What is the probability that the third child of the family will be a normal daughter?

Question 2

A normal couple has 5 children (2 daughters and 3 sons). Two sons suffer from a hereditary disorder but none of the daughters is affected. What is type of inheritance is depicted?

Question 3

An increase in the inbreeding coefficient, F, is likely to result in:

Question 4

The possible genotypes of endosperms borne on a heterozygous (Rr) plant will be:

Question 5

An experiment was conducted in E. coli to map the following genes (pro, his, bio, met, phe and trp) on a circular map using three different Hfr strains:

* Strain 1, order of transfer (early to late) : trp met his pro

* Strain 2, order of transfer (early to late) : his met trp bio

* Strain 3. order of transfer (early to ,late) : pro phe bio trp

Based on the results, what is the most likely map?

  • 42 attempts