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Question 1
The characteristic polynomial of a system can be defined as
Question 2
A transfer function having all its poles and zeros only in the left-half of the s-plane is called
Question 3
Control system in which the output has no influence or effect on the control action of the input signal is called.
Question 4
The system is originally critically damped. If the gain is doubled then it will become:
Question 5
If the Gain of the open loop system is doubled, the gain margin
Question 6
A system is described by the following state matrix:-
The state transition matrix for the following system is-
Question 7
Given a unity feedback system with
, the value of K for damping ratio of 0.5 is

Question 8
The effect of increase in damping ratio of second order system will be:
i) Reduce peak overshoot
ii) Increase peak overshoot
iii) Increase setting time
iv) Reduces setting time
Which of the following option is correct?
Question 9
Reduce the block diagram to unity feedback form and find the system characteristic equation.
Question 10
Due to integral error control the order of a second order system is transformed into
- 53 attempts
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AE & JE ExamsFeb 16AE & JE Exams