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Bihar Secondary Teacher (English) : 29.11.2023

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Question 1

Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions/complete the statements that follow by choosing the best options from the given ones.

1. The voice had to be listened to, not only on account of its form but for the matter which it delivered. It gave a message to the country that it needed greatly. It brought to the common people a realisation of their duty to concern with their affairs. The common people were made to take an interest in the manner in which they were governed, in the taxes they paid, in the return they got from these taxes. The interest in public affairs (politics) was to be the concern no longer only of the highly educated few but of the many-the poor, the property-less, the working men in the town and the country. Politics was not to be the concern of a small aristocracy of intellect or property but of the masses.

2. The improvement, especially in the lives of the people of the neglected villagers was to be placed before the government and political organisations as the goal of all political endeavour. Raising the standards of living of the people of the villages, the finding of subsidiary occupations which would give them enforced leisure during the off-season and an addition to their small income, the improvement of the housing of the poor, the sanitation of the villages-to be the objectives to keep in view.

3. In the towns, there was especially a class of the poor for which compassionate voice pleaded and protested. This was the so called depressed classes, the outcasts of the Hindu society. The denial of the elementary human rights to this class was considered the greatest blot on Hindu society and history. It raised its passionate protest against the age-old wrongs of this class and forced those that listened to it to endeavour to remove the most outrageous of them e.g. untouchability. It caused a revolution in Hindu religious practice by having Hindu temples thrown open to these people.

..... was to be placed before the ...... (para 2)

The underlined expression means:

(1) represented

(2) given importance

(3) prioritised

(4) presented


Question 2

Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions/complete the statements that follow by choosing the best options from the given ones.

1. The voice had to be listened to, not only on account of its form but for the matter which it delivered. It gave a message to the country that it needed greatly. It brought to the common people a realisation of their duty to concern with their affairs. The common people were made to take an interest in the manner in which they were governed, in the taxes they paid, in the return they got from these taxes. The interest in public affairs (politics) was to be the concern no longer only of the highly educated few but of the many-the poor, the property-less, the working men in the town and the country. Politics was not to be the concern of a small aristocracy of intellect or property but of the masses.

2. The improvement, especially in the lives of the people of the neglected villagers was to be placed before the government and political organisations as the goal of all political endeavour. Raising the standards of living of the people of the villages, the finding of subsidiary occupations which would give them enforced leisure during the off-season and an addition to their small income, the improvement of the housing of the poor, the sanitation of the villages-to be the objectives to keep in view.

3. In the towns, there was especially a class of the poor for which compassionate voice pleaded and protested. This was the so called depressed classes, the outcasts of the Hindu society. The denial of the elementary human rights to this class was considered the greatest blot on Hindu society and history. It raised its passionate protest against the age-old wrongs of this class and forced those that listened to it to endeavour to remove the most outrageous of them e.g. untouchability. It caused a revolution in Hindu religious practice by having Hindu temples thrown open to these people.

In 'subsidiary occupation' the underlined is used as a/an

(1) verb

(2) adverb

(3) noun

(4) adjective


Question 3

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions by choosing the correct most appropriate options.

Over the last few years, e-cornmerce has become an indispensable part of the global retail framework. Like many other industries, the retail landscape has undergone a substantial transformation following the advent of the Internet, and thanks to the ongoing digitalization of modern life, consumers from virtually every country now profit from the perks of online transactions. As Internet access and adoption are rapidly increasing around the globe, the number of digital buyers worldwide keeps climbing every year. According to the latest calculations, e-commerce growth will accelerate even further in the future.

Internet users can choose from various online platforms to browse, compare, and purchase the items or services they need. While some websites specifically target B2B (business-to-business) clients, individual consumers are also presented with a vast number of digital possibilities. As of 2020, online marketplaces account for the largest share of online purchases worldwide. Leading the global ranking of online retail websites in terms of traffic is Amazon. In terms of the gross merchandise value (GMV), Amazon ranks third behind Chinese competitors Taobao and Trnall. Both platforms are operated by the Alibaba Group, the leading online commerce provider in Asia.

One of the most visible trends in the world of e-commerce is the unprecedented usage of mobile devices. As the adoption of mobile devices is progressing at a rapid pace, especially in regions that lack other digital infrastructure, mobile integration will continue to shape the shopping experience of the future. M-commerce is particularly popular across Asia, with South Korea generating up to 65 percent of the total online transaction volume via mobile traffic.

The retail landscape has undergone a substantial change because

Question 4

Directions: Read the passage given below and answer the questions by choosing the correct most appropriate options.

Over the last few years, e-cornmerce has become an indispensable part of the global retail framework. Like many other industries, the retail landscape has undergone a substantial transformation following the advent of the Internet, and thanks to the ongoing digitalization of modern life, consumers from virtually every country now profit from the perks of online transactions. As Internet access and adoption are rapidly increasing around the globe, the number of digital buyers worldwide keeps climbing every year. According to the latest calculations, e-commerce growth will accelerate even further in the future.

Internet users can choose from various online platforms to browse, compare, and purchase the items or services they need. While some websites specifically target B2B (business-to-business) clients, individual consumers are also presented with a vast number of digital possibilities. As of 2020, online marketplaces account for the largest share of online purchases worldwide. Leading the global ranking of online retail websites in terms of traffic is Amazon. In terms of the gross merchandise value (GMV), Amazon ranks third behind Chinese competitors Taobao and Trnall. Both platforms are operated by the Alibaba Group, the leading online commerce provider in Asia.

One of the most visible trends in the world of e-commerce is the unprecedented usage of mobile devices. As the adoption of mobile devices is progressing at a rapid pace, especially in regions that lack other digital infrastructure, mobile integration will continue to shape the shopping experience of the future. M-commerce is particularly popular across Asia, with South Korea generating up to 65 percent of the total online transaction volume via mobile traffic.

Which of following words is nearest in meaning to the word 'advent' as used in the passage

Question 5

Identify the part of the following sentence that has/may have an error.

Roses grow (1)/ with abundance against this (2)/ old wall (3)/ in this season (4)

Question 6

In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been UNDERLINED. Identify the word or phrase which has an error in it.

He rose his hand every time the teacher asked a question.

Question 7

Choose the word that can substitute the given sentence.

A building where the audience sit

Question 8

Select the option that is the SYNONYM of the given word .


Question 9

Who accompanied Nelson Mandela to on the day of inauguration?

Question 10

Why will Anil be sad to know that Hari stole his money?
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