Consider in ideal n-channel MOSFET with parameter L = 1.25 μm, μn = 650 cm2/V-S ,Cox = 6.9 × 10–8 F/cm2 and VT = 0.65 V
If drain current is 4mA and gate voltage VG is 5V So the channel width of the MOSFET is
Question 2
Consider the block diagram shown below,
What is the value of ‘K’ so that the steady state error for a unit step input does not exceed to 2 %.
Question 3
Let the transfer function of a network be H(f)=2.e-j4πf. If a signal x(t) is applied to such a network, then the output y(t) is given by 2x(t-k) then the value of k is ___________.
Question 4
In a class A amplifier, VCE(max) = 15 B and VCE(min) = 1V. The conversion efficiency for a series fed load will be equal to.
Question 5
The Open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is At ω = 0, the plot is asymptotic to the straight line ‘X’=
Question 6
The magnitude plot of the Fourier transform of the signal
Question 7
A CE-amplifier has RL = 10 kΩ. Given hie= 1 kΩ. hfe= 50, hre =0 and 1/hoe =40 kΩ. What is the voltage gain?
Question 8
Find the Norton’s equivalent current IN of the following circuit as shown in the figure is _______ .
Question 9
The flux density at a point in space is given by B = 4xax + 2kyay +8az Wb/m2. The value of constant k must be equal to
Question 10
For the circuit shown below, the value of is
Question 11
Consider the characteristics equation given below,
CE = s3 + (K + 0.5)s2 + 4Ks + 50 = 0. Find the frequency of oscillation.
Question 12
Consider a discrete time signal given by The region of convergence of its Z-transform would be
Question 13
The CMOS circuit shown below implements the logic function
Question 14
A point z has been plotted in the complex plane, as shown in figure below. The plot of the complex number is
Question 15
The magnitude-frequency response of a control system is given below.