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BARC Full Syllabus Test 17
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Question 1

The output of filter is a
Question 2
Consider the circuit shown in the figure below:
The diode D1 in the figure shown below can be replaced by a 0.7 V battery when it is forward biased by a voltage greater than or equal to 0.7V. If the current source a ramp function i.e. , then the output can be represented as.
Question 3
For the system shown in Fig below, in order to reduce C1 by 1%, the percentage reduction that has to be done on G for given input, is
Question 4
For a logic function F(A, B, C) = Σm(1, 2, 4, 7), if we realize it by using a 4 ×1 MUX having select lines as B, C then the input at D3, D2, D1, D0 where D0 is LSB, will be respectively?
Question 5
A power amplifier delivers 50 W output at 50% efficiency. The ambient temperature is 25°C. If the maximum allowable junction temperature is 150°C, then the maximum thermal resistance θJC that can be tolerated is
Question 6
The minimum step-size required for a Delta modulator operating at 32K samples/sec to track the signal [u(t) is unit function].
x(t) = 125t(u(t) – u(t – 1)) + (250 – 125t) (u(t – 1) – u(t – 2))
So that slope overload is avoided, would be ?
Question 7
Consider the state-transition matrix of a LTI system is given by
and having initial state as
and the input signal as
. Where
is the unit-step input signal. Then the zero-input response of the system is given by

Question 8
For a clocked sequential circuit. Shown in figure.
The output sequence for on input sequence of 101001 assuming initial state to be Q1Q0 = 0 0
Question 9
An uniform plane wave that is propagating in a medium with
, and peak electric field of 8V/m. Now, determine the peak magnetic field intensity.

Question 10
Find I in the given circuit if β is very large. Assume transistors are identical.
Question 11
A carrier signal
is modulated by a signal
For frequency sensitivity of
the bandwidth of FM signal is given by

Question 12
An air line has a characteristic impedance of 70
and a phase constant of 3 rad/m at 100MHz. The inductance per meter and the capacitance per meter of the line is

Question 13
The value of

Question 14
The unit impulse response of a system is given as c(t) = -4e-t + 6e-2t. The step response of the same system for t≥0 is equal to :
Question 15

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