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BARC EE : Network Theory Quiz-3
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Question 1
Two identical coils A and B of 1000 turns each lie in parallel plane that such 90 percent of flux produced by one coil links with the other. If a current of 5 A flowing in A produces a flux of 0.05mWb. Then find the coefficient of coupling between coils A and B.
Question 2
Calculate the average power, if V(t) = 50 cos(ωt + 60o) and i(t) = 10 cos(ωt + 30o).
Question 3
Consider the following circuit
What is the value of current I in the 5Ω resistor?
Question 4
In the circuit shown in the figure, the current iL(t) is
Question 5
For the circuit shown in the figure below, determine the steady state voltage across 3 Ω resistor and steady state current across it?
Question 6
Determine the resonant frequency of a tank circuit having capacitance of 0.02 mF and inductance of 0.08 mH?
Question 7
Two tungsten bulb rates at 60 W and 100 W, are connected in series with an input d.c. voltage of 220 V, which one of the following bulb glow brighter?
Question 8
For the given circuit below, determine the current flowing in 2 H inductor due to source V1 only.
Question 9
The time constant of capacitance circuit is define as the time during which voltage:
Question 10
The power factor as resonance in RLC parallel circuit is:
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