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BARC CE: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering Quiz 2
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Question 1
Elevation and temperature data for a place are tabulated below:
Based on the above data, lapse rate an be referred as:

Based on the above data, lapse rate an be referred as:
Question 2
The following statements are related to temperature success developed in concrete pavement slabs with free edges (without any restraint):
P. The temperature stresses will be zero during both day and night times if the pavements slab is considered weightless
Q. The temperature stresses will be compressive at the bottom of the slab during night time if the self–weight of the pavement slab is considered
R. The temperature stresses will be compressive at the bottom of the slab during day time if the self–weight of the pavement slab is considered
The TRUE statement(s) is (are)
P. The temperature stresses will be zero during both day and night times if the pavements slab is considered weightless
Q. The temperature stresses will be compressive at the bottom of the slab during night time if the self–weight of the pavement slab is considered
R. The temperature stresses will be compressive at the bottom of the slab during day time if the self–weight of the pavement slab is considered
The TRUE statement(s) is (are)
Question 3
A fine–grained soil has 60% (by weight) silt content. The soil behaves as semi–solid when water content is between 15% and 28%. The soil behaves fluid–like when the water content is more than 40%. The ‘Activity’ of the soil is
Question 4
The necessary and sufficient condition for a surface to be called as a free surface is
Question 5
In quadrantal bearing system, bearing of a line varies from
Question 6
A three–hinged parabolic arch ABC has a span of 20 m and a central rise of 4m. The arch has hinges at the ends at the centre. A train of two point loads of 20 kN and 10 kN, 5m apart, , crosses this arch from left to right, with 20 kN load leading. The maximum thrust induced at the supports is
Question 7
The figure given below represents the contact pressure distribution underneath a

Question 8
For a saturated cohesive soil, a triaxial test yields the angle of internal friction (φ) as zero. The conducted test is
Question 9
The range of void ratio between which quick sand condition occurs in cohesionless granular soil deposits is
Question 10
A 1:50 scale model of a spillway is to be tested in the laboratory. The discharge in the prototype is 1000M3/s. The discharge to be maintained in the model test is
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