BARC 2020: Theory Of Computation Nuclear Quiz 2 (App update required to attempt this test)
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Question 1
1) L1={anbncm/n>m}
2) L2 = {xcy/x,y € (0,1)*}
3) L3 = { aibjck /j=i+k}
4) L4= {w / w € (a,b) , na(w) >= nb(w)+1}
Number of languages that are Deterministic CFL ___.
Question 2
1) Intersection
2) Substitution
3) Union
4) Kleene closure
5) Complementation
6) Reversal
The number of operations under which RE is closed ____.
Question 3
Which of the following is the language that is generated by the above grammar?
Question 4
Question 5
S-> S1B
S1-> aS1b
bB-> bbbB
aS1b ->aa
B-> €
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Statement 1- Set of all languages is uncountable, can be proved using diagonalization method.
Statement 2- Assume two languages A and B where A is reducible to B. If A is undecidable, B is undecidable.
Statement 3- if L is not RE then complement of L is also not RE.
Number of statements are correct is _____.
Question 9
S -> AB|a
A -> a
Let CFG G’ is an equivalent CFG with no useless symbols. How many minimum production will be there in G’?
Question 10
A) Does a given program ever produce an output.
B) If L is CFL, Then L’ is also CFL.
C) Given a CFG, G , L(G) = {empty}.
D) If L is a recursive language, then , is L’ also recursive.
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