BARC 2020: DBMS Nuclear Quiz 2 (App update required to attempt this test)
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Question 1
Find the loan details for Branch name Alipore and Loan amoun is greater than 5000 in tuple realtonal calculus from the given relation schema.
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
And a SQL query →
SELECT Serial_number,
FROM A GROUP BY Group_id. Value of SUM(payable_amount)
having Group_id=2
Question 5
The minimum number of tables required if attribute a22 is a composite attribute?
Question 6
Now consider the following query-
Select name from student where P>80 and M<50;
Number of Output after executing above query will be:
Question 7
Question 8
A) Relational calculus is equivalent to relational algebra in its capabilities.
B) Relational calculus is stronger than relational algebra.
C) Relational calculus is weaker than relation algebra
D) It is based on predicate calculus of formal logic.
Question 9
Number of elements in the output of the following query?
A name,Age(R Place=’Mumbai’(Employee (Natural Join) City))
Question 10
1 for 1NF, 2 for 2 NF, 3 for 3NF and 4 for BCNF. If Anything, else write
AB -> C
C -> D
CD -> BE
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GATE & PSU CSDatabases