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BARC 2020: Data Structures and Programming Nuclear Quiz 2 (App update required to attempt this test)
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Question 1
Consider the following C function.
The return value of fun (5) is ____________.

The return value of fun (5) is ____________.
Question 2
Consider the following C program.
# include<stdio.h>
int main( )
static int a[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
static int *p[] = {a, a+3, a+4, a+1, a+2};
int **ptr = p;
printf("%d%d", ptr - p, **ptr);
The output of the program is.
Question 3
Consider the following directed graph:

The number of different topological orderings of the vertices of the graph is __________.

The number of different topological orderings of the vertices of the graph is __________.
Question 4
Let Q denote a queue containing sixteen numbers and S be an empty stack. Head(Q) returns the element at the head of the queue Q without removing it from Q. Similarly Top(S) returns the element at the top of S without removing it from S. Consider the algorithm given below.
while Q is not Empty do
The maximum possible number of iterations of the while loop in the algorithm is _________.
while Q is not Empty do

The maximum possible number of iterations of the while loop in the algorithm is _________.
Question 5
Find the average number of key comparisons required for an unsuccessful search of a random binary search tree with 14 nodes and 50 as external path length.
Question 6
The equivalent prefix expression for the following infix expression (A+B)-(C+D*E)/F*G is
Question 7
Consider a lower triangular matrix. When this lower triangular matrix is stored in array format then only the elements a[i][j] with i
j are stored in array i.e only the elements present in lower triangular matrix are stored. Hence less size is consumed to store the array. Consider a lower triangular matrix as [25----100 , 25----100] with base address as 1000 and size of each element in matrix is 10, If the array is stored in column major order then find the address of the element a[80][45] stored in array ________________.

Question 8
Consider the following program
int find (int n)
int gate = 1;
for (i = 1; i < = n; i++)
for (j=1; j < = i; j++)
for (k = 1; k < = j; k++)
gate = gate +1;
return gate;
What is the value returned by find (10)?
int find (int n)
int gate = 1;
for (i = 1; i < = n; i++)
for (j=1; j < = i; j++)
for (k = 1; k < = j; k++)
gate = gate +1;
return gate;
What is the value returned by find (10)?
Question 9
How many minimum spanning trees are possible for following graph?
Question 10
The minimum number of interchanges required to convert this heap into a min-heap.

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