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Question 1
If cos 11π/6 = x, then the value of x is
Question 2
Find the value of the equation: (1 + tan190°)(1 + tan35°)
Question 3
The value of

Question 4
; then the value of (2cot2x−3sec2x) is:

Question 5
The angles of elevation of the top of a building from the top and bottom of a tree are 30o and 60o respectively. If the height of the tree is 50 m, then what is the height of the building?
Question 6
Find the value of (cot263°).(sin235° + cos255°).(1 - sec263°).(sec255°):
Question 7
If the length of the shadow of a vertical pole be √3 times the height of the pole, the angle of elevation of the sun is:
Question 8
Find the square root of the following summation.
152(sin 30° + 2cos2 45° + 3sin 30° + 4cos2 45° +........................+ 17sin 30° + 18cos2 45°)
152(sin 30° + 2cos2 45° + 3sin 30° + 4cos2 45° +........................+ 17sin 30° + 18cos2 45°)
Question 9
If the value if sinθ + cosθ =
then the value of sinθ cosθ is :

Question 10
If tanθ = 4/3, then the value of
will be how much?

- 2306 attempts
May 24SSC & Railway