TISSNET 2021 || VARC PYSP || VA PYPQ || 18.02.2021
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Question 1
Direction: In the following question, four statements have been given. Each statement has been divided into parts and arranged in random order. Arrange the parts to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences and answer the questions that follow.
1) working people, with overwhelming (A)/ it was the natural party of (B)/ and less well educated (C)/ support among the less affluent (D) 2) bourgeois-proletarian coalition have always (A)/ differed in their cultural attitudes, they (B)/ had significant economic commonalities (C)/ although these two sides of the (D) 3) commanding convincing electoral majorities, (A)/ The Labour Party was capable of (B)/ back in the 90s, when (C)/ it held together, a broad class coalition (D) 4) at the same time, it enjoyed strong (A)/ university students, schoolteachers, and civil servants (B)/ the middle class, attracting many (C)/ support among large sections of (D)
What should be the correct sequence of statement 1?
Question 2
Direction: In the following question, four statements have been given. Each statement has been divided into parts and arranged in random order. Arrange the parts to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences and answer the questions that follow.
1) working people, with overwhelming (A)/ it was the natural party of (B)/ and less well educated (C)/ support among the less affluent (D) 2) bourgeois-proletarian coalition have always (A)/ differed in their cultural attitudes, they (B)/ had significant economic commonalities (C)/ although these two sides of the (D) 3) commanding convincing electoral majorities, (A)/ The Labour Party was capable of (B)/ back in the 90s, when (C)/ it held together, a broad class coalition (D) 4) at the same time, it enjoyed strong (A)/ university students, schoolteachers, and civil servants (B)/ the middle class, attracting many (C)/ support among large sections of (D)
What should be the correct sequence of statement 2?
Question 3
Direction: In the following question, four statements have been given. Each statement has been divided into parts and arranged in random order. Arrange the parts to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences and answer the questions that follow.
1) working people, with overwhelming (A)/ it was the natural party of (B)/ and less well educated (C)/ support among the less affluent (D) 2) bourgeois-proletarian coalition have always (A)/ differed in their cultural attitudes, they (B)/ had significant economic commonalities (C)/ although these two sides of the (D) 3) commanding convincing electoral majorities, (A)/ The Labour Party was capable of (B)/ back in the 90s, when (C)/ it held together, a broad class coalition (D) 4) at the same time, it enjoyed strong (A)/ university students, schoolteachers, and civil servants (B)/ the middle class, attracting many (C)/ support among large sections of (D)
What should be the correct sequence of statement 3?
Question 4
Direction: In the following question, four statements have been given. Each statement has been divided into parts and arranged in random order. Arrange the parts to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences and answer the questions that follow.
1) working people, with overwhelming (A)/ it was the natural party of (B)/ and less well educated (C)/ support among the less affluent (D) 2) bourgeois-proletarian coalition have always (A)/ differed in their cultural attitudes, they (B)/ had significant economic commonalities (C)/ although these two sides of the (D) 3) commanding convincing electoral majorities, (A)/ The Labour Party was capable of (B)/ back in the 90s, when (C)/ it held together, a broad class coalition (D) 4) at the same time, it enjoyed strong (A)/ university students, schoolteachers, and civil servants (B)/ the middle class, attracting many (C)/ support among large sections of (D)
What should be the correct sequence of statement 4?
Question 5
Direction: In the following question, four statements have been given. Each statement has been divided into parts and arranged in random order. Arrange the parts to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences and answer the questions that follow.
1) working people, with overwhelming (A)/ it was the natural party of (B)/ and less well educated (C)/ support among the less affluent (D) 2) bourgeois-proletarian coalition have always (A)/ differed in their cultural attitudes, they (B)/ had significant economic commonalities (C)/ although these two sides of the (D) 3) commanding convincing electoral majorities, (A)/ The Labour Party was capable of (B)/ back in the 90s, when (C)/ it held together, a broad class coalition (D) 4) at the same time, it enjoyed strong (A)/ university students, schoolteachers, and civil servants (B)/ the middle class, attracting many (C)/ support among large sections of (D)
All the given sentences, when rearranged, form a coherent paragraph. From the given options choose the one which represents the correct order of the sentences?
Question 6
Direction:Four alternative summaries are given below each text. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text. The human race is spread all over the world, from the polar regions to the tropics. The people of whom it is made upeat different kinds of food, partly according to the climate in which they live, and partly according to the kind of food which their country pro duces. In hot climates, meat and fat are not much needed; but in the Arctic regions they seem to be very necessary for keeping up the heat of the body. Thus, in India, people live chiefly on different kinds of grains, eggs, milk, or sometimes fish and meat. In Europe, people eat more meat and less grain. In the Arctic regions, where no grains and fruits are produced, the Eskimo and other races live almost entirely on meat and fish.
Question 7
Szymanski suggests that the problem of racism in football may be present even today. He begins by verifying an earlier hypothesis that clubs’ wage bills explain 90% of their performance. Thus; if players’ salaries, clubs that spend more should finish higher. If there is pay discrimination against some group of players – fewer teams bidding for blacks with the same ability as whites – that neat relation may no longer hold. He concludes that certain clubs seem to have achieved much less than what they could have, by not recruiting black players. Which of the following findings would best support Szymanski conclusions?
Question 8
Although in the limited sense of freedom regarding appointments and internal working, the independence of the Central Bank is unequivocally ensured, the same cannot be said of its right to pursue monetary policy without co-ordination with the central government. The role of the Central Bank has turned out to be subordinate and advisory in nature. Which of the following best supports the conclusion drawn in the passage?
Question 9
Direction: The following question has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.
I am sometimes attacked for imposing ‘rules’. Nothing could be further from the truth. I hate rules. All I do is report on how consumers react to different stimuli. I may say to a copywriter, “research shows that commercials with celebrities are below average in persuading people to buy products. Are you sure you want to use a celebrity?” Call that a rule? Or I may say to an art director, Research suggests that if you set the copy in black type on a white background, more people will read it than if you set it in white type on a black background”
Question 10
Direction: The following question has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.
Relations between the factory and the dealer are distant and usually strained as the factory tries to force cars on the dealers to smooth out production. Relations between the dealer and the customer are equally strained because dealer and the customer are equally strained because dealers continuously adjust prices – make deals- to adjust demand with supply while maximizing profits. This because a system marked by a lack of long term commitment on either side, which maximizes feelings of mistrust. In order to maximize their bargaining positions, everyone holds back information – the dealer about the product and the consumer about his true desires.