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Question 1
Which of the following statements is/are true about Shunga dynasty?
Question 2
Consider the following statements:
1) Shunga dynasty was a Brahmin dynasty, was established in 185 BCE, post end of Mauryan dynasty.
2) Agnimitra Shunga was the founder of Shunga dynasty.
Choose the correct statement(s) from the codes given below:
Question 3
Who amongst the following was the founder of Shunga dynasty/empire?
Question 4
Match the following: -
A) Sunga Dynasty
B) Satvahana Dynasty
C) Kanva Dynasty
1) Patliputra
2) Vidisha
3) Pratishtana
Question 5
Which one of the following chronological orders of the given dynasties of India is correct?
Question 6
Choose the most appropriate answer:-
Which of the following dynasties was ruling over North India at the time of Alexander’s invasion?
Question 7
Which dynasty is known for their Navy
Question 8
Which dynasty introduced the Satrap System ?
Question 9
What is ‘Milinda-panha’?
Question 10
Which of the following statements are correct with regard to Nāgasena:
1) Nāgasena was a Buddhist scholar
2) Milinda Pañha is a text that records the questions-answers between Menander I and Nāgasena
Choose the correct option:
- 1815 attempts
Oct 12BPSC