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SSC: Sentence Improvement Quiz: 18.02.2021

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Question 1

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

He is in urgent need at get his liver operation.

Question 2

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

Seema said that Gopal had forgotten to write the letter.

Question 3

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

Rohan is living in this house for more than 10 years and does not want to vacate it now.

Question 4

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

The coach asked us that we should not leave stadium without his permission.

Question 5

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

Foreigners often come across with serious difficulties in studying English Comprehension.

Question 6

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

We hurried to the door, but nobody is there.

Question 7

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

He is not only a good teacher but a good man.

Question 8

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

All these articles are kept in a tin box to prevent from spoiling of damp in rainy season.

Question 9

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

He could not look anything in the dark room.

Question 10

Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select ‘no Improvement’.

They reached at Calcutta on Monday last.
  • 6768 attempts
May 24SSC & Railway