SSC: Parajumbles Quiz : 27.11.2023
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Question 1
P. The award is named after Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor of dynamite.
Q. A Nobel Prize is an award that is given to someone whose work has benefitted society.
R. This award is given in six categories, and medicine is one of those categories.
S. This year Professors David Julius and Ardem Petapoutian have won this prize for medicine.
Question 2
Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.
While physical movement
P. activities may not require physical
Q. is important for children, all learning
R. the part of teachers and students
S. movement and facial expressions on
Question 3
A). We have flower arrangements to suit everybody at all prices.
B). We also make paying easy, and we accept all major credit cards at our shops, or you can pay online.
C). Whether it is birthdays, weddings, or even the sad times like funerals, Fancy Flowers is there to make it easy.
D). Established in 2002, Fancy Flowers has branches all over the country.
Question 4
A. When we got near, we saw it was the steam rising from hot springs.
B. We saw in the distance a great column of smoke.
C. We wondered if it came from a chimney or a burning house.
D. We thought of taking a bath in the hot water.
Question 5
A). This flight takes place on a hot summer day.
B). It has a pair of wings but bites them off after its ‘wedding’ flight.
C). In the heat, the queen leaves the nest and goes out to meet a drone, high up in the air.
D). The queen is the mother of the entire population of a colony of ants.
Question 6
P. She could not accompany her daughter due to visa restrictions.
Q. That trip to Florida with her father Yuri launched her on the path to success.
R. Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off in a train to the United States.
S. But it also required a heart-wrenching two-year separation from her mother Yelena.
Question 7
P. The balloon took off slowly.
Q. The spectators were still waving to them.
R. But soon they were out of sight.
S. Within minutes they were high above the fields.
Question 8
A) “We are going to the market", declared Reetu and Geetu.
B) “Where are you going?” the father asked.
C) “Take your umbrella, it is going to rain", the mother said.
D) “Yes, definitely. We will", replied the two.
Question 9
A. She started the Udaipur-based organisation Shikshantar to create a space for self-directed learning called ‘unschooling’.
B. It also organizes week-long camps where children involve themselves in local communities and interact with other kids who don’t attend school.
C. Nidhi Jain has been an unschooling parent for over two decades.
D. The organisation arranges everything from internships in film-marking to cooking forum schooled kids.
Question 10
P: I'll always be
Q: even if we're apart
R: with you
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