SSC: Parajumbles Quiz : 15.11.2023
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Question 1
P. But on the day when my story begins, it was a winter evening, icy-cold and misty.
Q. Sometimes when the weather was clear, I could see ships anchored a little way out from the shore.
R. These were prison ships, full of convicts and their guards.
S. We lived on the edge of the marshes, near the sea.
Question 2
1) Their names were Amulius and Numitor and both were equally brave.
2) The people of Alba could not decide who should be made the King.
3) It so happened that the King of Alba died leaving behind two sons.
4) In the beautiful land of Italy, there was a city called Alba.
Question 3
1) Soon I reached the churchyard.
2) To my surprise, I immediately came upon the convict.
3) He was sitting on a tombstone with his back towards me.
4) I went up and touched him gently on the back.
Question 4
A). They were covered with mud from head to foot.
B). Two men were fighting, crying out and cursing, at the bottom of the ditch.
C). "Stop that!" shouted the sergeant.
D). Three or four soldiers, holding torches, were standing around a ditch.
Question 5
A) It was the advertisement for a metal detector called Wonder Sweeper 5000.
B) Jacob believed he could find the buried treasure of the pirates if he had that detector.
C) Jacob was reading one of his comic books when he came upon something interesting.
D) So, he decided to save every penny till he had enough money to buy one.
Question 6
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A. Not long after our tortoise was taken away, we got another pet.
B. He was still very young and had to be fed on bread and milk.
C. Living with us, he started to believe he was not a bird at all.
D. This time it was a pigeon.
Question 7
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
P. He pulled out the letter that he had received from his brother.
Q. Doctor Das looked a little upset.
R. He went to his desk and unlocked the drawer.
S. Then he laid it on the desk and pored over it.
Question 8
A. You can also wear a hat to cover your hair and scalp to protect them from toxic particles that could be harmful.
B. Therefore, when you are exposed to bad quality air, try and wear full-sleeved clothes to cover as much of your skin as possible.
C. All the above precautions could save you from serious skin diseases.
D. Air pollution plays a major role in skin and hair-related problems for which you need to take precautions.
Question 9
P. Some such common events that bring us happiness for a short time include passing an exam, getting a job, going on a vacation or buying a dream house.
Q. Happiness is more difficult to achieve than peace as we keep striving for it daily.
R. Peace, on the other hand, is sustainable for many years, costs less energy, and doesn't depend on external events such as these.
S. Events that we struggle for in our daily lives to bring us happiness only come randomly, stay for a short time and subside.
Question 10
P. The middle sun was the one we usually see every day, but the ones on either side were the sun’s smaller reflections.
Q. It looked like there were three suns in the sky.
R. A local meteorological centre explained that reflection is caused by sunshine high in the sky and light passing through snow crystals in the air.
S. A rare celestial phenomenon appeared in Mongolia.
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