SSC: Parajumbles Quiz: 09.03.2021
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Question 1
Q) Protests spring from the stimulating intellectual environment and vigorous debate found on college campuses, where students are willing to think about more than just the upcoming party or how to grab the rungs on the career ladder.
R) They reflect the passionate energies of students discovering their own priorities and commitments, and finding their voice in national conversations.
S) Protests are a time-honoured tradition on college campuses – memorably exemplified by the protests of 1968 by the grandparents of the current generation of students.
Question 2
Q: Unfortunately our customs and traditions conspired with her economic dependence to make her unimportant in our society.
R: Democracy in India can be a success only when the Indian women are politically awakened.
S: Moreover they should be free to express their opinion, to act as they like and to assert themselves in all departments of life.
Question 3
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
Q. Today they are a relatively rare species.
R. The lion used to be very widely distributed in Africa and Asia.
S. Indiscriminate killing by hunters has been the cause of this drastic fall in their numbers.
Question 4
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
Q: and norms breached
R: boundaries of civil public debate have been crossed
S: some self-reflection is called for as
Question 5
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
Q: Competing in the second relay that had all the best shooters in the country, the 17 year old
Mehuli, who is coached by Olympian Joydeep Karmakar, stood tall with a near World record score.
R: As she shot a 632.7 in the qualification stage of women’s air rifle in the 18th Kumar Surendra Singh
shooting championship at the Dr. Karni Singh Range, Tughlakabad.
S: It was a better average than 10.5 over 60 shots, with 10.9 as the perfect.
Question 6
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
Q. If you are not contented with only that which is honourable, it must follow that you desire in addition either the kind of quiet which the Greeks call "undisturbedness," or else pleasure.
R. You see, however, what absurdity lies in not being content with the daylight unless it is increased by a tiny fire.
S. What importance can a spark have in the midst of this clear sunlight?
Question 7
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
B) There are so many candidate linings of the hole, and it seems there is no reason to choose one over another, leaving it an arbitrary matter as to which lining we define and identify the hole with.
C) And if we did not pick one of the linings, leaving a multitude of linings, then there would be a multitude of holes, one per each lining, all somewhere within the one doughnut.
D) This seems like far too many holes in one place.
Question 8
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
B) Many people push themselves to meet their own unreasonable expectations, berate themselves for their flubs and failures, and blow their difficulties out of proportion.
C) In an odd sort of way, these people are rather mean to themselves, treating themselves far more harshly than they treat other people.
D) We all know people who create a great deal of unhappiness for themselves simply by how they think about and react to the events in their lives.
Question 9
(P) It demanded an appraisal, so that the lives of soldiers and civilians alike can be secured
(Q) in place to prevent terrorist strikes
(R) was a wake-up call about the security drills
Question 10
Given below are four sentences, three of which, are jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order.
P : resilient during use across the country, and it should be
Q : to the VVPAT to make them more
R : well-prepared to handle any glitches during the seven-phase Lok Sabha election.
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