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Question 1
Select the correctly spelt word.
Question 2
Select the correctly spelt word.
Question 3

Question 4
If x2 + (1/x2) = 1, then what is the value of x48 + x42 + x36 + x30 + x24 + x18 + x12 + x6 + 1?
Question 5
If a = (y + 1/y) then, y3 + 1/y2 + 1/y3 + y2 = ?
Question 6
In a certain code language, ‘+’ represents ‘÷’, ‘÷’ represents ‘+’, ‘×’ represents ‘-’ and ‘-’ represents ‘×’. What is the answer to the following question?
75 ÷ 39 +3 × 6 - 12 = ?
75 ÷ 39 +3 × 6 - 12 = ?
Question 7
What two signs in the following equation need to be interchanged so that the equation will be mathematically correct?
7 + 3 ÷ 5 – 35 × 5 = 15
7 + 3 ÷ 5 – 35 × 5 = 15
Question 8
The Vice President of India is elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of
Question 9
What is the tenure of Vice President of India?
Question 10
In case the Vice- President wishes to resign, to whom is he to address his resignation letter
- 2539 attempts
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SSC & RailwayGeneralJun 25SSC & Railway