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Question 1
Bile juice that is stored in a sac called
Question 2
Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?
1) Large intestine
2) Rectum
3) Small intestine
4) Mouth
5) Stomach
6) Oesophagus
1) Large intestine
2) Rectum
3) Small intestine
4) Mouth
5) Stomach
6) Oesophagus
Question 3
The pH of stomach is 1.6, then which enzyme will digest protein?
Question 4
Which of the following coverts carbohydrates into maltose sugar?
Question 5
Which organ has finger like outgrowths which are called as Villi (Singular Villus)?
Question 6
The correct sequence of the complex processes involved in the digestion of food is
Question 7
What is the nature of human saliva?
- 11047 attempts
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SSC & RailwayGeneralJun 7SSC & Railway