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SELECTION || Logical Reasoning || CAT 2021 || 7 October

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Question 1

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, U and W are the only ten members in a department. There is a proposal to form a team from within the members of the department. Subject to the following conditions:
1) A team must include exactly one among P, R, and S.
2) A team must include either M or Q, but not both.
3) If a team includes K then it must also include L, and vice versa.
4) If a team includes one among S. U. and W, then it must also include the other two.
5) L and N cannot be members of the same team.
6) L and U cannot be members of the same team.
The size of a term is defined as the number of members in the team.

What could be the size of team that includes K?

Question 2

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, U and W are the only ten members in a department. There is a proposal to form a team from within the members of the department. Subject to the following conditions:
1) A team must include exactly one among P, R, and S.
2) A team must include either M or Q, but not both.
3) If a team includes K then it must also include L, and vice versa.
4) If a team includes one among S. U. and W, then it must also include the other two.
5) L and N cannot be members of the same team.
6) L and U cannot be members of the same team.
The size of a term is defined as the number of members in the team.
In how many ways a team can be constituted so that the team includes N?

Question 3

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, U and W are the only ten members in a department. There is a proposal to form a team from within the members of the department. Subject to the following conditions:
1) A team must include exactly one among P, R, and S.
2) A team must include either M or Q, but not both.
3) If a team includes K then it must also include L, and vice versa.
4) If a team includes one among S. U. and W, then it must also include the other two.
5) L and N cannot be members of the same team.
6) L and U cannot be members of the same team.
The size of a term is defined as the number of members in the team.
Who can be a member of team of size 5?

Question 4

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
A group of three or four has to be selected from seven persons. Among the seven are two women, Fiza and Kavita, and five men: Ram, Shyam, David, Peter andRahim Ram would not like to be in the group if Shyam is also selected. Shyam and Rahim want to be selected together in the group. Kavita would like to be in the group only if David is also there. David, if selected, would not like Peter in the group. Ram would like to be in the group only if Peter is also there. David insists that Fiza be selected in case he is there in the group.
Which of the following statement is true?

Question 5

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
A group of three or four has to be selected from seven persons. Among the seven are two women, Fiza and Kavita, and five men: Ram, Shyam, David, Peter andRahim Ram would not like to be in the group if Shyam is also selected. Shyam and Rahim want to be selected together in the group. Kavita would like to be in the group only if David is also there. David, if selected, would not like Peter in the group. Ram would like to be in the group only if Peter is also there. David insists that Fiza be selected in case he is there in the group.
Which of the following is a feasible group of four?

Question 6

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
A group of three or four has to be selected from seven persons. Among the seven are two women, Fiza and Kavita, and five men: Ram, Shyam, David, Peter andRahim Ram would not like to be in the group if Shyam is also selected. Shyam and Rahim want to be selected together in the group. Kavita would like to be in the group only if David is also there. David, if selected, would not like Peter in the group. Ram would like to be in the group only if Peter is also there. David insists that Fiza be selected in case he is there in the group.
Which of the following is a feasible group of three?

Question 7

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions based on it.
The primitive tribes – folk of the island of Lexicophobos have recently developed a language for themselves. Which has a very limited vocabulary. In fact, the words can be classified into only three types : the Bingoes, the Cingoes and the Dingoes.
The Bingoes type of words are : Grumbs, Harrumphs, Ihavitoo
The Cingoes type of words are : Ihavitoo, Jingongo, Koolodo
The Dingoes type of words are : Lovitoo, Metoo, Nana
They have also devised some rules of grammar:
Every sentence must have only five words.
Every sentence must have two Bingoes, one Cingo and two Dingoes.
If Grumbs is used in a sentence, Ihavitoo must also be used and vice versa.
Koolodo can be used in a sentence only if Lovitoo is used.
Which choice of words in a sentence is not possible, if no rules of grammar are to be violated?

Question 8

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions based on it.
The primitive tribes – folk of the island of Lexicophobos have recently developed a language for themselves. Which has a very limited vocabulary. In fact, the words can be classified into only three types : the Bingoes, the Cingoes and the Dingoes.
The Bingoes type of words are : Grumbs, Harrumphs, Ihavitoo
The Cingoes type of words are : Ihavitoo, Jingongo, Koolodo
The Dingoes type of words are : Lovitoo, Metoo, Nana
They have also devised some rules of grammar:
Every sentence must have only five words.
Every sentence must have two Bingoes, one Cingo and two Dingoes.
If Grumbs is used in a sentence, Ihavitoo must also be used and vice versa.
Koolodo can be used in a sentence only if Lovitoo is used.
If Grumbs and Harrumphs are the Bingoes in a sentence, and no rule of grammar is violated, which of the following is / are true?
I. Ihavitoo is the Cingo.
II. Lovitoo is the Dingo.
III.Either Lovitoo or Metoo must be one of – or both – the Dingoes.

Question 9

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions based on it.
The primitive tribes – folk of the island of Lexicophobos have recently developed a language for themselves. Which has a very limited vocabulary. In fact, the words can be classified into only three types : the Bingoes, the Cingoes and the Dingoes.
The Bingoes type of words are : Grumbs, Harrumphs, Ihavitoo
The Cingoes type of words are : Ihavitoo, Jingongo, Koolodo
The Dingoes type of words are : Lovitoo, Metoo, Nana
They have also devised some rules of grammar:
Every sentence must have only five words.
Every sentence must have two Bingoes, one Cingo and two Dingoes.
If Grumbs is used in a sentence, Ihavitoo must also be used and vice versa.
Koolodo can be used in a sentence only if Lovitoo is used.
Which of the following is a possible sentence if no grammar rule is violated?

Question 10

Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions based on it.
The primitive tribes – folk of the island of Lexicophobos have recently developed a language for themselves. Which has a very limited vocabulary. In fact, the words can be classified into only three types : the Bingoes, the Cingoes and the Dingoes.
The Bingoes type of words are : Grumbs, Harrumphs, Ihavitoo
The Cingoes type of words are : Ihavitoo, Jingongo, Koolodo
The Dingoes type of words are : Lovitoo, Metoo, Nana
They have also devised some rules of grammar:
Every sentence must have only five words.
Every sentence must have two Bingoes, one Cingo and two Dingoes.
If Grumbs is used in a sentence, Ihavitoo must also be used and vice versa.
Koolodo can be used in a sentence only if Lovitoo is used.
If in a sentence Grumps is the Bingo and no rule of grammar is violated, which of the following cannot be true?
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