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Question 1
Direction: Answer the following question by selecting the correct / most appropriate options.
Planets revolve around the Sun in a definite path. Arrange the following planets in the increasing order of their period of revolution.
(i) Venus (ii) Saturn
(iii) Uranus (iv) Earth
Question 2
Which of the following two planets in our solar system rotate from East to West. These planets are
Question 3
Biosphere refers to:
Question 4
Which of the following is not example of biotic components?
Question 5
Annual rain in Tropical rain forest is:
Question 6
Direction: Answer the following question by selecting the correct / most appropriate options.
Which one of the following is a group of fungi?
Which one of the following is a group of fungi?
Question 7
Direction: Answer the following question by selecting the correct / most appropriate options.
Name the two endocrine glands which secrete their hormones when they receive orders from the pituitary through its hormones.
Name the two endocrine glands which secrete their hormones when they receive orders from the pituitary through its hormones.
Question 8
A compound that is present in raw egg that can cause a syndrome similar to Vitamin B deficiency
Question 9
In our mouth , the arrangement of different types of teeth from front to back is
Question 10
The female reproductive part in plants is called:
- 2319 attempts
Jan 19CTET & State TET Exams